Those poor defenceless rides!!!

Terrain coasters (built into or around the ground level) ARE just plain better...the feeling of speed is increased by the proximity of objects flying by your head.  Raven at night is unbelievable!  SFoG's Mindbender and the Beast also get honorable mentions... 
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
Well after a long and tiring attempt to try and get people to understand I think I have finally suceeded!

Thank-you everyone who actually took the time to understande me.

I just think how much better Nitro would be if they didn't clear all of the land on which it is using.  It would be awesome flying up and down with trees on either side of you, but instead, it's barren land.  At least they didn't use more parking lot but they still could have taken advantage of those beautiful trees.  I'm sure it costs much less to simply clear the area then to have the coaster designer work in between trees, but for a multimillion-dollar project, it shouldn't matter.  One of the most important parts of landscaping is the element of surprise because you do not know what to expect next.  This is something that Busch and Paramount do much better.  It is most frustrating to think that they do not even tear up the old parking lot before building over it.  You would think that is simple!  I won't rant here on the themes because I don't really care.  The rides are great one way or the other.  However, preserving natural landscaping and taking advantage of terrain does make a difference in my opinion.
But I have to ask the question, what do you do when there is no terrain left? SFMM marvelously built three steel coasters within their terrain, Revolution, Ninja and Goldrusher. There may be room for one more. But you don't stop building because you run out of terrain, you work with what you have. I agree, I wish every coaster had "Raven"-like terrain, I also wish every coaster were high quality, but that's unrealistic.
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the entire law; all the rest is commentary. -The Talmud
I actually don't mind at all that some coasters are parking lot coasters. In fact, I wouldn't have Shockwave any other way.

B&M+SFGAm=3 excellent coasters.

X kinda has themeing. It may not get to you first but it really does. X is Area 51 themed in a desert themed area.
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boblogone's avatar
Two words as a counter argument.

Shivering Timbers......

We don't need no stinkin' terrain to build the one of the best woodies on the the planet.

Also S:RoS SFNE is pretty much all above ground.

Do either of these rides seem to be lacking? I'll admit terrain following can improve lesser rides, but truly great rides can stand on their own.

What the HELL!!!!do I care that the theme of NITRO don't fit into Movietown it's a cool coaster! I do agree as far as SFGadv is losing it's touch.  I mean compare to all the other great rides at other parks and some being at other six flaggs park I feel like GA is being left out the loop! I want more cool coasters and worry about theming later!!!
"Lookout" it's NITROGIRL!!!
You're complaining about SFGadv? Please, take a look at some of the other Six Flags Parks.
Don't look down-Oblivion
SFMMANIAC: This isnot an anti-theming discussion it a landscaping discussion.

Themeing is all good so long as it's not tacky, landscaping is fantastic and should be used a whole lot!


Does anyone else here realize that this discussion was started by a European coaster rider.  I think we Americans all want tallest, fastest, most coasters, inversions, etc., whereas Europeans seem to be a little more concerned with theming, landscaping, etc.  Maybe I need to take a trip across the pond and spend a few weeks coastering with folks who enjoy that stuff as much as I do...
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you

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