Think before you ride...

Its not just the safety, its the "complexity" (is that a word?!) of them. They seem so easily operated, so easily run, yet theyre some of the most intricate machines ever!
How much more floorless can they get?
Your ride to the park is just as complex, a car engine and design is quite a intricate piece of work.  All sorts of tubes, noozles and steel.  It is amazing what humans accomplish nowadays in almost every aspect of life.

TrBiggar said:
...1st-gen freefalls, even with those, there was an accident on one, a fairly serious one. On the Edge at SFGAm, a car fell down the shaft and trapped (but never killed) a few people. So, even with all of those saftey measures, accidents happen.

Minor correction on this, it wasn't a Six Flags property at that point, it was still Mariott's Great America. The Edge rollback was a pretty serious failure but luckily no one was killed and as a result *all* the 1st Gens were made safer by having an anti-rollback positioned at the top of the tower.

Honestly Great America pre-Six Flags had a horrid safety record with the Edge rollback just being one in a fairly long list of ride failures. That's one park (and chain in general) that I think was changed for the better by acquisition.

Incidentally, if anyone is interested in riding the Edge it's currently operating at SFWoA as Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall. The first time I went down there I had to take a drop on it just out of sheer morbid fun and was lucky enough to ride with a couple of squemish teenage girls who I told the entire rollback story to during the waiting period and lift up the tower. I don't think I've ever heard more "OH MY GODS!" or louder screams on a drop ride in my life :-)
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Mondial Top Scan

Actually believe it or not, as mechanical systems go Roller Coasters are pretty darn simple. The part count is FAR lower than, say, a commercial airliner. The computer systems are less involved as well. Factors of safety are an engineer's best friend: design to 95% correctness and then triple it...

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