Theme Parks in video games

While playing the game Wakeboarding Unleshed for PS2, i beat it and got to the last level and the last level is a theme park with 2 rollercoasters. I put the cheats in and road both rollercoasters cause i had all ballence (i grinded). A frisbee and waveswinger also appear in the level. It seemed to be a six flags park cause it had the tank for a whale show or something to that nature.

ACE member

Whats the game where you get to race cars on the Santa Cruz Giant Dipper?

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Um just out of curiosity, but how do you grind on a wakeboard? ;) Back to the topic at hand, maybe the amusement park was "made-up" just for the game?

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.
*** This post was edited by MarimbaGuy87 6/28/2003 11:23:37 PM ***

The game with the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Big Dipper is California Speed.

Joe Barnett
Forum Moderator/Editorial Writer

Cal Speed is a funny game! in the Santa Cruz level the giant dipper is three tracks next to each other and the boardwalk pathway leads right onto the coaster! very unrealistic (well, its an n64 game!)
The original, arcade version of California Speed is much better, I remember being able to hit the people on the side of the road.

Purple cows eat silver moon pies, among fiesty, glowing fireflies.

Yes, hitting people is definately a plus... I also remember playing a racing game in which you rode on a roller coaster. Ape Escape for Playstation also has a fun little level where you ride a roller coaster too. Not that I play it or anything... ;)

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.

Tony Hawk 4 also has a carnival level. You can grind a coaster and a darkride.

And most good racegames featuring the Suzuka circuit should have a yellow spaghetti bowl and a red SLC in the background...Mad Cobra and Black-Out at Suzuka Circuitland.

Also Gran Turismo 3 has a Japanese streetcircuit where you can see a coaster and a huge giant wheel in the distance.


Mat Hoffman 2 has a Las Vegas level with a coaster running through the middle. One of the objectives is to grind the coaster.

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

One of the Daytona racing games has a track that runs through a theme park. You go directly under a swinging pirate ship, and a coaster with vertical drops crosses your path several times.

One of the tracks on the old Pole Position II had what looked like a Schwartzkopf shuttle in the background.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

janfrederick's avatar
Den, ya beat me to it. Curious, are there any Shwartzkoph shuttles in Japan?? Konami right?

Dang, now have have that muffled "pwepare too kwalifi" voice stuck in my head.
"It's not a Too-mah!" - Arnold after riding Batman the Ride

Pole Position was Atari, I'm pretty sure. I bet there was at least one of those shuttles in Japan back in 1983 or whenever that game was made.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

In F12001 for X-Box on the Japan track you can see a few coasters and rides.
Jet Grind Radio (or whatever it is called for X-Box -- Jet Grind Future I believe) has a level where you grind an inverted coaster.
janfrederick's avatar
Right...Atari. I must have confused it with a different racing game.

"It's not a Too-mah!" - Arnold after riding Batman the Ride

Dave Mirra 2 - Waterpark level
On All Star Baseball 2003, at Acclaim Sports Park you have some IOA rides(Hulk, Dr. Doom) and a Ferris Wheel in the backround of the outfield.
Pole Position (c) 09/1982 Namco.


Also licensed to Atari for US manufacture and distribution (11/1982).
Approximately 20, 400 units were produced by Atari (~17, 250 Upright and ~3, 150 Cocktail).

A bootleg of this game is known as "Top Racer".

Pole Position started the trend for foto-realistic graphics in video games. In addition to great graphics, it had great game play and it was a huge success, dominated game charts for almost about 2 years. Modern driving games are still more or less based on Pole Position, only graphics have improved.
*** This post was edited by crazypjs 7/2/2003 4:55:24 AM ***

Carnevil almost always located at any Amusement park is great for riding all the fake rides.

Are You Ready To Take The Red Pill? Matrix RCT parks
Enter The Matrix V.2

A little old, well, really old, but the original Sim City had an amusement park that you could put in. Your other option was a casino.


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