supermandl said:
"Ok coasterville DAVE (not dan) put it this way, if both park's get the same amount of guest's a day where do you park, do you look for an hour with traffic like at mall's(the non charging lot) or do you go where there are people directing traffic and keeping parking lot clean and secure.
Supermandl, you missed the whole lead in about systems thinking.
I stated that the park would still have to pay for costs associated with the parking lot. It's just that park Beta earmarks $3.50 out of every gate admission for parking lot expenses, and Park Alpha collects a seperate $7 parking fee per car that goes into a parking lot budget.
The park can still have friendly greeters directing each guest to a parking space, it can still have security actively patrolling its lot, it can still offer parking tram service, and yes still keep the lot freshly blacktopped with freshly painted divider lines. I'm not saying all that is necessary, but if thats what you want for your park, you can still have it, by taking the associated costs out of the $3.50 earmarked portion of the admission tickets. As I illustrated, if the park sets the per admission parking surcharge correctly (yet still reasonably) they can actually make more than with a per car fee. Think of all those guests that get dropped off my friends and family, get dropped off by public transportation, by hotel shuttles, think how many come in motorcoaches and school busses, club vans, etc. The park is actually making more by charging everybody a fair fee wether they use the service or not.
The only layoffs I suggested refer to the parking toll plaza. I mean let's say you have 8 tollbooths, and have a toll collector on duty at each lane for 12 hours per day, making minimmum wage (hardly likely), the park could realize another $100,000 in savings easy by ridding itself of the toll plaza. Yet still keep the parkers and the security force intact.
An added side benefit could come to parks that don't have the luxury of a long access road back to the parking area, by not having a backup to pay parking fees, guests can stream into the lot keeping the access roads to the park moving.
There are a few more items a park sells that could be rolled into the gate fee. However, FREE also means that people take it just becuase its free. Locker Rental could be a target to be made a free service, but parks usually have inadequate locker supplies as it is, and free would cause the lockers to fill up real fast from people just taking them becuase their free. Or a family getting a locker for every person becuase they are free.
And there is precedent in the amusement park industry, think back 40 years ago. The standard practice was to charge you a small park admission, then everytime you wanted to ride a ride, or see a show, out came the wallet for a few more coins.
Can't you visualize a park proclaming "How will we ever be able to afford to maintain the Cyclone if we don't charge to ride it" Yet, the tide turned and parks experiemented with and found that charging one fee for all rides and shows worked, provided a more steady guaranteed income. Most importantly, one price tickets probably caused people to stay at the park longer, because they had already paid for all day, and all these rides are free for the riding, which means that the park has more exposure to sell them the food, gifts, andother stuff. And again think about the staff, supplies, and aggravation eliminating ride tickets saved. (Yes, those rides are still maintained, and the shows still funded, just out of the gate admission instead)