The True Height of the Vekoma SLC?

I have heard varying facts thatVekoma SLCs are 100 ft, 105 ft, 115 ft, and 120 ft. Obviously they are all the same height unless otherwise specified right? Does anyone know what the true height of the Suspended Looping Coaster?
They can be as short as 95ft., or as large as 115ft.
I never knew they varied. I thought they were all the exact same. I wonder if the height of the ride effects the roughness of the ride...It would be interesting to know.

"We don't know why the innocent die. Will this world ever find a way to change? And we don't know why, but we know it's not right. We don't know why so many had to die. We don't know why so many had to die."
Goldfinger/Mest/Good Charlotte-The Innocent

nasai's avatar
I have always understood that the height only varied on databases (like RCDB) because the terrain dictated the height of the first drop.  The coaster remains the same with the exception of the SLC+ coaster (with the final helix).  Again, just my thoughts, but it makes sense.
Yup.  I suspect they all ARE pretty much the same with respect to the LENGTH of the drop, but the elevation from ground level could vary depending on the terrain it's built over (sloped ground, taller footers, etc.)

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Some have differently placed loading stations, stretched corkscrews, etc. Minor to the general,public, but to we managers who ride 'em all the time, we can tell which ones pack more punch, and which ones are better maintained.
rollergator's avatar
Agent Johnson (or anyone else), aren't the footers on SLC's always at the same RELATIVE height?  It seems like an easy way for Vekoma to build them "to specs" and reduce the cost of cusomizing them to various terrains.  Also, I know the wheel assemblies have a BIG impact on the smoothness of the ride, but what maintenance is performed on the track itself?  Some parks SLC's seem to run SO much better than others'...thanks!
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Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
     I am very sure length of drops on the SLC's are all the same but the real height above the water/land can make a mental difference. As an example I have ridden 2 SLC's, exact same in length of drop, design etc. T2 and Serial Thriller, though I must say Serial Thriller wins for most headbanging, Serial Thriller was more exciting. It is built partially over Geauga Lake, which is lower then the normal ground that T2 was built on. On Serial Thriller it really seems like a longer drop because it really is higher off the ground. The length of the drop technically does make the difference but if placed higher off the ground/water, it seems scarier and thus can seem like a longer drop.
Premier, head of the lapbar revolution!

*** This post was edited by Suspended Andrew on 12/23/2001. ***

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