The Trip of a Lifetime (Holiday Pk)(7/25/02)

Associated parks:

Part 15- Cologne and Holiday Park

“Time to start the 500 step journey to the top,”………..

Today was going to be an odd day for us. Instead of driving to a park as we normally would, we would be driving somewhere to go sightsee a bit. We also didn’t have a set time to leave our hotel near the Cologne Airport, as each coach was to leave according to the time regulations set by the drivers. Because we arrived a bit later than we had hoped, we would be getting an extra 30 minutes sleep. While that might not sound like a lot of time, it did help me as I was sleep deprived as it was.

We ended up leaving our hotel at around 8:45am for downtown Cologne. There were a few people part of our group that didn’t want to go for various reasons. To be honest, I myself didn’t know what was in store other than we would be downtown Cologne, and we would be able to check out a large Cathedral or some sorts. We wouldn’t have to check out the cathedral if we didn’t want to, but it was a main tourist spot in Cologne so we would be dropped off at this location. Despite some people on the coach not wanting to go, all 42 people aboard the Orange coach decided to go.

We had about an hour drive to get to our destination. This was one of the rare morning drives that we would have where we would be heading into a city. Almost all the other drives we had, we would end up in the country. As we approached downtown Cologne, we could easily make out the two massive spires of the Cologne Cathedral. These things were HUGE. I don’t know the actual stats of the cathedral, but it would not surprise me in the least if the cathedral stood around 500-feet tall.

As luck would have it, the map we were using wasn’t totally reliable. According to the map, we weren’t supposed to enter of tunnel, but sure enough, there was a tunnel that we tried to avoid by going around another way. We drove around for 15 minutes before trying out the tunnel, which we had no problem going through. The way I look at it, it wasn’t an issue driving an extra 15 minutes as we not only got to see a lot of downtown, but those that wanted to continue on to our next park would have to spend less time in Cologne as we had a set time to leave.

When we arrived, we walked out of the coach and were welcomed by the absolutely massive cathedral. Honestly, just walking up to this thing was worth the drive IMO. There were all kinds of shopping and food locations around the area so everyone split up and went their own ways. A group of us went into a near by McDonald’s for a quick breakfast. I then decided to get some shots of the gothic looking cathedral from the outside before venturing in. I ran into some ACE members from other coaches who had been there for an hour or so and told me there was a steep stairway inside that allowed visitors to climb nearly to the top of one of the spires. I ran into Jeff Johnson at this time. We both agreed to walk the 509 steps to the top.

The price to do so was, I believe, one Euro to walk up. Jeff and I paid our fee and started the climb. The stairway was a very, very narrow spiral, stone staircase that looked and smelled very old (well then, it must be old!). Since there was only one staircase going up and down, we had to pass people on the way down. Jeff and I continued to walk around and around until we ran into Tim Baldwin, Howard Gillooley, and Alan Shick who told us we weren’t even halfway yet. Yikes!

We climbed more and more until reaching a halfway point where we walked into a large room that housed a few HUGE bells. Just as I was videotaping them, they decided to start ringing, scaring the heck out of me in the process. Those things were loud and supposedly could be heard miles away. I certainly wasn’t going to question that. I also ran into Marlon Scott who noticed we were basically running up the stairs and could easily see why we were out of breath. He suggested we slow the pace down because we had a long way to go before reaching the top. I took Marlon’s advice and slowed the pace down as I continued to walk up the stairs. I reached another room a couple hundred feet up. At first, I thought this was the top, but I noticed another set of stairs, going up. These stairs were more conventional and made the climb more easier IMO.

Finally, I reached the top area and walked around the perimeter. While a fence enclosed the whole area, and there were still parts of the structure 50 feet or so above us that we couldn’t get to, I was pleasantly surprised by the view I saw when I was up there. It made it all worth while. I could see most of Cologne as well as some historic bridges going across the Rhine River. Marlon and I took each other’s photos while up there, and then I decided to make my way back down.

The way down took about 25 minutes because I got stuck behind a woman that simply would not continue to walk down if she knew someone was coming up. This resulted in a very long line of people standing behind her wanting to continue but she would stop every time she heard someone coming up. To say my patients was being tested is an understatement as I wanted many o’ times to just run past her but I couldn’t due to the people coming up. It really was that narrow.

Once I was back on the main floor, I went into another section of the cathedral and was impressed by the nice stained glass displays on the walls. I didn’t stay long, as I wanted to check out the surrounding areas. I went back outside and noticed a group of people taking pictures of some policemen while sitting on their horses. I walked over and noticed a small dog, dressed in the same type of uniform as the police, complete with a toy gun, posing next to the policemen so I took a couple of pictures.

On one side of the cathedral was a very long line of people. It looked like a large stage had been set up on one side. People were then let into a closed off area. Soon after, a band took the stage playing some Three Dog Night cover tunes as well as some songs I wasn’t familiar with (not that I know a lot of TDN cover tunes either). I found my mother sitting with Ron Ross and Kip. They were enjoying a bite to eat. I sat down with them and talked about how the tour was going. Ron can’t ride coasters because of his back, but he went on the tour anyway and looked like he was having the time of his life. I was happy to hear Ron wasn’t bored on the tour.

I went back to the front of the cathedral to grab a few more shots before running into Larry Scott and Chris Trotter. They seemed to be just as impressed with everything as I was. Larry pointed out a small stone arch near the cathedral. There was a plaque near it with some info on it. Larry suggested I go read it. As it turns out, that arch, which seemed to be a large meeting place for a lot of people as it was very crowded, was very old. When I mean old, I mean VERY old. Old, as in the year 50 BC, old. No joke! It amazed me that it was still standing and people were virtually all around the thing.

We had too meet back at our coaches at around noon so everyone went to where we were dropped off. Due to the heavy traffic in the area as well as some construction, parking the coaches where we were dropped off was not possible so we just had to wait on one side of the street or the other for our coaches to show up. It was strange seeing so many ACE members at one point waiting on a street, as we were everywhere.

One by one, our coaches started to show up and we quickly boarded them for a quick departure to our next destination, Holiday Park. There were a lot of people eager to get to the park but we had a 3-hour drive before we reached it. I know Joe Campanella was more than eager to arrive as he claimed he would probably have a brand new favorite coaster after riding the parks star attraction. We had a couple of traffic jams on the way there due to a couple of accidents on the autobahn, but we didn’t arrive as late as I thought we would. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a few marketing folks who seemed very glad to see us. They escorted us into a large tent-like area where we were given free drinks and a very cool goodie bag filled with various things including a coupon for a free on-ride photo on the coaster we were to have ERT on.

It was very evident that there were a few people eager to go ride, so the park didn’t hold us very long. It looked like they went through a lot of trouble setting up the area for us. There was a large video screen and seats set up in front of it. It appeared they were to have a small presentation for us if we had arrived on time, but since we didn’t, they let us go into the park and have fun instead.

Most people went right for the largest coaster in the park. I decided that if we were to have ERT on it, I would try and ride as many other things as I could considering our time at this park was limited to just a few hours. I met up with Alan Shick, and Howard Gillooley who wanted to ride the other coaster in the park.


This would be the final version of this type of coaster on the tour. I believe this was the 4th version of the Vekoma Corkscrew we had ridden so far. I think it’s funny that a few of us were commenting on the “original to us” layout the week before when we first rode one at Flamingoland. Now, it seemed to be standard. This coaster wasn’t all that bad. We couldn’t help but notice that there was a large sign stating that this was a “Make Up” coaster for Richard Rodriguez who was currently setting a record on the other coaster in the park.

Alan, Howard, and I found a very heavily themed dark ride so we took a quick ride. This ended up being one of the most elaborate themed dark rides I have done. I didn’t follow much of the story because I was so blown away by some of the visuals. I know the story had a dark touch to it and included a few violent scenes, but it was all done very well. There was even a scene with a woman flashing us!

We still had some time to enjoy the park so we went over to the large Giant Drop tower in the center of the park. As we walked in, the line, we were greeted by a small dark room with a screen. A pre show started. We didn’t understand a word of it, but we were cracking up at it. We could clearly understand what they were trying to say, but the acting was hilarious as was a few of the scenes. After the pre show, we entered another room, with yet another pre show, this one funnier than the one before. Yet another door opened at the end and we were greeted by, yes, I am not kidding, another pre show! By this time, all three of us were cracking up at how odd it felt that we had just sat through 3 pre-shows for a Giant Drop.

Once we board the ride (no seat belts!), we were quickly taken up near the top, and then slowly inched the rest of the way. This provided a very intense moment of anticipation. We also noticed cameras sticking down in front of us to catch our facial expressions as we dropped. The drop was fantastic and caught all of us off guard. Easily one of the best Giant Drops I have ridden. When we got off, we looked at our photos hoping they would look like those ultra cool pictures taken at Drayton Manor on Apocalypse, but they didn’t have a downward angle and were blurry so we passed on getting one.

Well, there was only one thing left to do in the park that I wanted to do. Pretty much everyone else had ridden it so far, but I decided to take my time and check out some of the other attractions. I went over to check it out and noticed the lack of a long line so I decided to give it a ride.

===Expedition GeForce===(#474)

Besides the twisting drop, I didn’t know much about the layout. For my first ride, I decided to ride in the very back seat. I walked to the outdoor loading platform and waited for my ride. Ric Turner was by himself so we decided to ride together. We boarded our fluorescent orange train and fastened the tight seat belts. There is a trick to these belts that I am sure a lot of people didn’t notice. While they seemed to be rather hard to snap together for some people, it is possible to stretch the bottom of the belt as it was hooked to an elastic strap making it to connect for larger people.

This Intamin creation uses a cable lift system pretty much like Millennium Force. Unlike Goliath at Six Flags Holland, the cable sled came all the way into the station before sending us up the lift. Once we were attached, we quickly made our way up the 180-foot tall lift. I looked around looking at the park and noticing all the trees. I looked to the left and took a look at the surrounding countryside. I looked over the other….

“OH MY GOD!!!!!!! WHAT IS THAT????”

All the people in front of me seemed to go off the face of the planet as we were instantly ripped down the first, ultra-steep, ultra-intense, and ultra-twisted first drop. I don’t think I have been that surprised by a first drop since I rode X at Six Flags Magic Mountain in January. We then flew over a large parabolic hill with great speed. You want airtime? This is your ride.

A nice over bank turn follows that produced some nice positive gs. We then dove down, and rose over another large hill before making a left turn and into a couple of rapid left-right-left snap turns. We went through another over bank before going over yet another airtime filled wonder hill. Another left turn brought us to the remaining camel back hills in typical Intamin style. Just as we exited the last hill, we came to a smooth and fast stop into the magnetic brakes.

“What just happened? What was that?”

…….and so was my first ride on the incredible Expedition GeForce.

I had talked to a few people I knew that had ridden this coaster last year. Two of them told me that after the first drop, the ride doesn’t do a whole lot. While I really, REALLY, loved that first drop, I found the best parts of the ride to be after the first drop. The airtime, pacing, and smoothness are all top notch. Yes, there are two trim brakes that you can feel slowing the train a bit, but I don’t think anyone minded because we still were flying.

After my mind-blowing ride, I decided to grab something to eat before ERT. I ran into my mother Phyllis, and Chris, who looked quite tired already. The food stands weren’t staying open much later but I managed to grab some fries before ERT was to start. I also took a few moments to grab some shots of Expedition GeForce before meeting up at the ride entrance for an announcement from the park.

Quite a lot of ACE members decided not to show up for the announcement, as they wanted to get in as many rides on Expedition as they could. Our ERT was to be one half-hour so a lot of people came to the conclusion that we wouldn’t be getting a lot of rides on the coaster. I must say, if I walked away with just that one ride I took, I would have been happy. We stood in front of a stage as park personnel joked around with us about wearing Holiday Park merchandise at our next park, as well as informing us the status on Richard’s marathon. Tim Baldwin said a few words and presented the park with the official tour T-Shirt before the presentation was done. The last bit of news was indeed great to hear. We would be getting an extra 15 minutes of ERT!!

Everyone then walked over to the coaster and enjoyed the ERT. Only 15 minutes into the ERT, the park announced they were going to extend the ERT for an hour and 15 minutes so we would have a total of an hour and a half on this world class coaster. Everyone was very glad to hear this, especially those that missed the original announcement. Richard joined us in our ERT as well.

The park went out of their way to make us feel great. They were on the PA saying, “Now, get ready to enjoy your extra, extra, extra, ride time on Expedition G-Force” every time a train would dispatch. For my first ride during ERT, I decided to ride in the front. While in line, I chatted with a man about movies and his hatred for the original Blair Witch movie. He was shocked to hear that I liked the movie and found it original. Despite our differences in opinion, as soon as were heading up that lift all was forgotten due to the powerhouse that is Expedition. However, the second we stopped in the final brakes, he looked at me and said, “Blair Witch? Are you serious?” It was quite funny.

For the remainder of the ERT, I sat in the back couple of rows as I found that to be more intense. With each ride I got, I wanted to stay at this park longer. After one more kick-butt ride, I decided to leave ERT a couple minutes early and head back to the coaches as I didn’t think I would be getting another ride. We only had 5 minutes of ERT left, and I liked to be one of the first people back at the coach to make sure everyone was ready to leave at our time of departure. The earlier I got the correct head count, the easier it was for me.

As expected, most everyone was extremely happy with the ERT. Jeff Johnson even claimed it to be his number one coaster, period, as I am sure quite a few others did. As I did my head count, I noticed I was off by one person. As I did in the past, if someone was missing, I would do another head count, then do an audible roll call to find out who exactly was missing. It didn’t’ take long to figure out who was missing. Tim came by the coach and asked if we had everyone. I told him we were missing someone and no one knew where he was. We waited for another 5 minutes before Tim asked me if I was comfortable with leaving the coach mate behind. I told him I was so he gave the word to go ahead and leave.

I thought it would have happened earlier in the tour, but when it didn’t happen, I didn’t think it would happen at all. However, it looked like we were going to leave behind our first coach mate. As I gave the word to Nigel to go ahead and leave, someone shouted, “There he is!” Sure enough, the person we were looking for came running to the bus. It seemed he couldn’t find a toilet once ERT was over so he walked to the back of the park to find one. Despite the fact that we were ready to leave him behind, I was glad we picked him up as we retained our perfect record of having everyone on board.

We made the hour and a half drive in what seemed like 20 minutes. I could slowly feel the end of the tour coming up. I didn’t talk a lot on this journey back to our next hotel. I decided to just sit back, put on my headphones, and take it all in. I watched passing cars and the fading sun while listening to tracks from King’s X, Dream Theater, and Tori Amos. The whole mood of the moment reached its peak when listening to Galactic Cowboy’s “Swimming in December”. For some reason, the eerie start of the song and the last 3 minutes or so seemed to hold the mood perfectly. The song kind of sounds like the end of a soulful movie in a strange way, and that is what my mood felt like at the time. Even though the tour wasn’t over, it just felt special to be a part of it and I was now letting that feeling seep into my soul. It was very soothing, yet, a bit sad at the same time.

We would be spending the night in France, and heading back into Germany in the morning. Since we got in at a fairly decent hour, a few of us left the hotel and walked down to a restaurant for a nice meal. While we were eating, we talked about how the tour was coming to an end and that none of us wanted to go home. You would think that after 2 weeks of touring the way we did, we would be willing to go home on the next flight out, but we were having too much fun. This already was the best vacation I have ever done and I didn’t want to think about it ending anytime soon, yet, the end was just about here.

Once back at the hotel, I was met by coach mates Claire Forrester, Patti Forester, and Scot Mariani who presented me with a gift. They thought I was doing a nice job with my duties so they bought me a nice Expedition GeForce hat. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t bought a hat in years but it was so nice to have one. I tried to thank them as well as I could but even that wasn’t enough. They are a very nice group of people. I first met them last year while doing an ACE walk-back at Paramount’s Kings Island. I didn’t get to hang out with them as much as I would have like during this trip, but the time I did talk with them, I enjoyed. I just hope our paths cross again after the tour, as they truly are special folks.

After talking with them a bit, I ended up going up to my room. As it turns out, everyone got their own room for the evening. I had no problem with this and quickly feel asleep while listening to a couple of songs on my MP3 player. Tomorrow as a day I was really looking forward to. We had another long drive to a park so that meant, well, you know. Yes, an early start. .

Next up…….

Yet another one of those “better than perfect” days that I will never forget. Europa Park vay-vee!

Thanks for reading,


*** This post was edited by Sean F. on 9/25/2002. ***

There are three coasters I Have to ride before I die. X, Goliath at SFH, and Expedition Ge Force.

Yet another great TR Sean. I eagerly wait for 12:30 to come around every night and read yout TR's before I go to bed.

I'll be sad when they are over LOL

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

I could'nt wait to hear what you had to say about Expedition Ge Force. I rode it last summer and it was by far the best coaster I have ever ridden. It was a spiritual experience. I dream about that coaster from time to time.

While I am typing this, I just have to look outside my window and I can enjoy the full view of the Köln Cathedral (called DOM) , the river Rhine and the bridges (which are not really historical, as they were completely destroyed during WW2), you mentioned. I really had to smile when I read about your trip up the cathedral tower. I did this about 15 years ago and the bells started ringing while we were in this room as well. It really IS frightening to hear them at this hight and this volume. I can as well recall some people who denied to walk any step further up or down, because they got sick of the height, blocking the whole way for other people. It seems that everyone is having the same experiences while climbing that tower. BTW you were lucky to be able to walk upstairs, because this was not able for a very long time. As you could see, the cathedral is in permanent repair. (its eerie to see pictures of Cologne after the war: EVERYTHING is bombed to dust, except for the cathedral, which survived the blast nearly undamaged.)

I just wonder that you all missed out on PHANTASIALAND because this is just outside Cologne and opened their incredible indoor, spinning, heavily themed, SFX laden double coasters this spring. Those rides use elevator lifts, tilting platforms and even dropping track pieces as a novelty.

Oh well, you DID see the flashing Lady on the Holiday Park dark ride;-)

It really amazes me to hear so many americans raging about EGF. I love this ride but I would never rank it higher than MF, or SROS NE. Maybe this has got something to do with the possibility of access?! I mean travelling to Ohio might be as exotic for me as it is for you to drive out to the emptiness thats surrounding Holiday Park;-)

BTW the SUPERWIRBEL was the prototype of this kind of rides you encountered so many times throughout Europe. It was built as a travelling ride, but was erected just once on a fair. It was too big and complicated to move, so it was sold to Holiday Park. This Park was as well the first german Park to install a rapid river and an Intamin Freefall tower. Strange for such a small park that nearly has not much else to offer.

Thanks again for a great TR and I am looking forward to your EP report. I am eager to find out if your opinion of EPs coasters is equal to mine.

regards F. Towers

MagnumForce said:

Yet another great TR Sean. I eagerly wait for 12:30 to come around every night and read yout TR's before I go to bed.

Cool! The next few should be posted shortyl before midnight each night. Thanks for reading them.

I'll be sad when they are over LOL

To be honest, so will I. As I was writing these reports, I kind of got to do the whole tour over again in my mind. At this point, it feels like it happend years ago but at the same time, it felt like yesterday.


*** This post was edited by Sean F. on 9/25/2002. ***

Fawcett_Towers said:

While I am typing this, I just have to look outside my window and I can enjoy the full view of the Köln Cathedral (called DOM)

Wow! This is very cool. That city is really beautiful and I would love to pass through it again sometime. Thank you so much for checking out this report.

, the river Rhine and the bridges (which are not really historical, as they were completely destroyed during WW2), you mentioned.

Actually, that is what I meant. While I was up at the top of the cathedral, I was looking down on a bridge that had been bombed, and then rebuilt. Someone let me check out a post card of what the bridges looked like when they were destroyed. It was kind of strange looking at the photo, then looking down and seeing that actual area. To me, that bridge is historic even though it isn't the original one.

I really had to smile when I read about your trip up the cathedral tower. I did this about 15 years ago and the bells started ringing while we were in this room as well. It really IS frightening to hear them at this hight and this volume.

I was video taping what the bells looked like. I said something like, "Check out these bells," then as soon as I finished saying just that, they rang loudly. I must have jumped 2 feet.

I can as well recall some people who denied to walk any step further up or down, because they got sick of the height, blocking the whole way for other people. It seems that everyone is having the same experiences while climbing that tower.

Joe Campanella tried to run the entire way down the steps with cam in hand. The footage is hillarious. Luckily he didn't cause any accidents on the way down.

Those stairs are very narrow so I can see the reason for a back up, but at the same time, if eveyone were to keep on moving, there wouldn't be a jam. By the end of the walk, there was probably a line of 60 people standing behind that woman.

BTW you were lucky to be able to walk upstairs, because this was not able for a very long time. As you could see, the cathedral is in permanent repair. (its eerie to see pictures of Cologne after the war: EVERYTHING is bombed to dust, except for the cathedral, which survived the blast nearly undamaged.)

I believe it was Chris Trotter that asked someone how on earth did that place survive the bombing. Someone mentioned to him that it was purposely avoided. Is there truth to that?

I just wonder that you all missed out on PHANTASIALAND because this is just outside Cologne and opened their incredible indoor, spinning, heavily themed, SFX laden double coasters this spring. Those rides use elevator lifts, tilting platforms and even dropping track pieces as a novelty.

I would have love to go there but the tour didn't permit it. Isn't that the park that had a large fire last year?

Oh well, you DID see the flashing Lady on the Holiday Park dark ride;-)

Yep! Sure did! That was funny and just reminded me how different the rides were on the tour. We would never see that in our country...well, to that extent.

It really amazes me to hear so many americans raging about EGF. I love this ride but I would never rank it higher than MF, or SROS NE. Maybe this has got something to do with the possibility of access?! I mean travelling to Ohio might be as exotic for me as it is for you to drive out to the emptiness thats surrounding Holiday Park;-)

I have never ridden SFNE's Superman so I can't compare, but I do ride MF a lot since I live fairly close to it. However, Expedition was such a different feeling ride. It really packed one heck of a punch for its size and didn't let up. I think that is why most loved it.

BTW the SUPERWIRBEL was the prototype of this kind of rides you encountered so many times throughout Europe. It was built as a travelling ride, but was erected just once on a fair. It was too big and complicated to move, so it was sold to Holiday Park. This Park was as well the first german Park to install a rapid river and an Intamin Freefall tower. Strange for such a small park that nearly has not much else to offer.

Thanks for the info. It is always cool to hear little bits of info like this about parks. They make for good trivia questions. =:^)

Thanks again for a great TR and I am looking forward to your EP report. I am eager to find out if your opinion of EPs coasters is equal to mine.

Look for it later tonight! Thanks.


Ok Sean, Ive been trying to post for the last 3 hours and nothing is coming thru. Due to my error! Dont get me started! This morning I wrote such a great post and it got deleted, so Im done writing and now Im here just to post the photos....Sorry folks!

Usually I write little explanations with each photo, but after the morning Ive had so far, there is no way!

Ok- I changed my mind- I felt like I was letting you down if I didnt write anything!

Sean- honestly- you need to believe me! You dont think I would actually just post my photos do you? Ok --heres the story......It started off like this....

Sean- I was really enjoying your TR until I read this...

I decided to just sit back, put on my headphones, and take it all in. I watched passing cars and the fading sun while listening to tracks from King’s X, Dream Theater, and Tori Amos. The whole mood of the moment reached its peak when listening to Galactic Cowboy’s “Swimming in December”.

Then it all came back to me-----Your music selection! UUgggghhh! j/k Haa haa You know I love you man (once again in a frat boy voice)

Wow! We were there to look at a Cathedral?? Oops, Danielle and I went shoe shopping! (Keep all your comments to yourself) I didnt even find what I was looking for--But all the Puma's were around 100 bucks. Ouch!

What can I say about Expedition Ge Force that you didnt say already! Seriously, this is one heck of a ride! But make sure you read all the rules and regulations for this puppy, they are pretty blunt!

Once you have read thru all of the rules, you can make your way thru the queue. Here you need to prepare for this and this! You never know when your fake legs are going to fall off, and you definately dont want to fall from this hill! OOps, I think I spoke too soon, this train was filled with people that had no legs! Haa Haa - Lighten up people-its suppossed to be funny! Its called a joke! Once you have passed the first drop, onto the twisted layout! I recall speaking with Ric Turner and he was telling me that he couldnt retrace the layout of ride even after riding it all afternoon! Now that my friends is a great ride!

Once again Sean, you left a little to early! The last two trains of the night, got double and even triple rides before they kicked us out! Can you say HOSPITALITY!? Holiday Park was extremely nice to us the moment we got to the gate! I believe you forgot to mention the free Beer they offered! Also the free mug, a pen and a sticker that were in the goodie bags as well!

Now this last photo has a disclaimer that goes along with it! I dont know what it should say, but Im putting one on it, just to warn the viewers! Here she is, the infamous lady in the dark ride! Hee hee, what a hottie!

Wow, now that I finished a short version of what I originally wrote, I feel much better....

Keep them coming Sean- If I can remember correctly, isnt tomorrow.....EUROPA PARK! Yeah!

See you loyal readers tomorrow!


CPLady's avatar

the river Rhine and the bridges (which are not really historical, as they were completely destroyed during WW2), you mentioned.

Actually, that is what I meant. While I was up at the top of the cathedral, I was looking down on a bridge that had been bombed, and then rebuilt. Someone let me check out a post card of what the bridges looked like when they were destroyed. It was kind of strange looking at the photo, then looking down and seeing that actual area. To me, that bridge is historic even though it isn't the original one.

I have to admit the "historical bridges" kinda confused me as well after my mom-in-law told me how the americans had bombed all of the bridges during WWII (along with a dam or two which destroyed her first home when she was a child).

Thanks again for the TR and pictures, Sean! My husband asked yesterday if you were going to the park that was just outside of the city. When I mentioned Heide Park, he was confused because that wasn't the one he remembered. I'm betting it was PhantasiaLand he remembered.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

baclueless said:

Sean- I was really enjoying your TR until I read this...

Then it all came back to me-----Your music selection! UUgggghhh! j/k Haa haa You know I love you man (once again in a frat boy voice)

To each his own. At least it wasn't any of that Emo-Core stuff. =:^)

Wow! We were there to look at a Cathedral?? Oops, Danielle and I went shoe shopping! (Keep all your comments to yourself) I didnt even find what I was looking for--But all the Puma's were around 100 bucks. Ouch!

You didn't go inside? It was really cool, and I normally don't care for things like that.

Once you have read thru all of the rules, you can make your way thru the queue. Here you need to prepare for this and this! You never know when your fake legs are going to fall off, and you definately dont want to fall from this hill! OOps, I think I spoke too soon, this train was filled with people that had no legs! Haa Haa - Lighten up people-its suppossed to be funny! Its called a joke! Once you have passed the first drop, onto the twisted layout! I recall speaking with Ric Turner and he was telling me that he couldnt retrace the layout of ride even after riding it all afternoon! Now that my friends is a great ride!

THANK YOU for the pics! I looked through all my pics and I don't have a single Expedition picture. I don't even have much video due to my malfunctioning camera.

I believe you forgot to mention the free Beer they offered! Also the free mug, a pen and a sticker that were in the goodie bags as well!

I didn't pay attention to the free beer because I don't drink, but I am sure there were many others that did.

Now this last photo has a disclaimer that goes along with it! I dont know what it should say, but Im putting one on it, just to warn the viewers! Here she is, the infamous lady in the dark ride! Hee hee, what a hottie!

Yes! Finally, a picture! Oh the memories.

Keep them coming Sean- If I can remember correctly, isnt tomorrow.....EUROPA PARK! Yeah!

Yep, actually, later tonight.


CPLady said:

I have to admit the "historical bridges" kinda confused me as well after my mom-in-law told me how the americans had bombed all of the bridges during WWII (along with a dam or two which destroyed her first home when she was a child).

After I re-read my comments, I can see how that would sound confusing.

Thanks again for the TR and pictures, Sean! My husband asked yesterday if you were going to the park that was just outside of the city. When I mentioned Heide Park, he was confused because that wasn't the one he remembered. I'm betting it was PhantasiaLand he remembered.

I have been asked more about Phantasia Land than most any other park. Even my boss at work asked me about it and he didn't even know about all the other parks I went to. too bad we didn't have time to visit it.


Nice TR! That cathedral looks huge. The view fromthat looks awesome.


I believe it was Chris Trotter that asked someone how on earth did that place survive the bombing. Someone mentioned to him that it was purposely avoided. Is there truth to that?

It might be true that it was avoided, but some (religious) people claim that it must have been a higher power that prevented the bombs to hit the cathedral. You might remember the dense architecture around that place.

I just wonder that you all missed out on PHANTASIALAND

I would have love to go there but the tour didn't permit it. Isn't that the park that had a large fire last year?

Yes. Two classic Schwarzkopf coasters burned to the ground. One was a powered coaster, the other was the predecessor to SFMMs REVOLUTION (without a loop and a tighter layout). The fire broke out due to a short circuit and the fake mountain scenery caught fire. It was very dramatic, as there were many people on the ride and the trains stopped in the emergency brakes. People had to climb from the cars and down the burning facade. Luckily they were no bad injuries. The park opened a spectacular, three story rapid ride by Hafema on the site of the lost coasters. Its ca. 70ft high and features an elevator lift, steep drops and an unique freefall, tilting section, that just drops the whole raft with nine people and tons of water down for about 12 ft. If you search the web for Phantasialand you will easily find pictures.

Oh well, you DID see the flashing Lady on the Holiday Park dark ride;-)

Yep! Sure did! That was funny and just reminded me how different the rides were on the tour. We would never see that in our country...well, to that extent.

Be assured, its unusual here as well. But people tend to laugh about it.

regards, F. Towers

*** This post was edited by Fawcett_Towers on 9/25/2002. ***

Fawcett_Towers said:

The park opened a spectacular, three story rapid ride by Hafema on the site of the lost coasters. Its ca. 70ft high and features an elevator lift, steep drops and an unique freefall, tilting section, that just drops the whole raft with nine people and tons of water down for about 12 ft. If you search the web for Phantasialand you will easily find pictures.

Sounds very impressive. I am going to have to look for some of those pictures.

Be assured, its unusual here as well. But people tend to laugh about it.

I did laugh at many of the things we don't see in the states, but just a couple weren't funny IMO. To be honest, we did laugh while at the Magic Moutain scene in question but only because we all had the same exact reaction, at the same time. The scene itself was not funny IMO. It didn;t ruin our day or anything like that, but we did hear others talking about it that were even more shocked.


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