The Mummy's Launch System

After watching a few of the new commercials and teasers that NBC (Universal) has just released, it has been said that they have used technology from "futuristic bullet trains", so does this mean this was actually the first coaster to utilize maglev technology?

Yes, there are still wheels, and yes, it is still head to the track, but if it's using the technology that these new bullet trains are using, then must it be "levitating" for a brief few moments?

It said this technology is the first of it's kind to ever be used on a roller coaster, so must this be true?

Your thoughts?


Jeff's avatar
There's nothing special about it. It uses linear induction motors, just like all of the other Premier Rides launched coasters.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Side note:

Have you seen the videos that they are showing? It's supposedly the first of it's kind ever incorporated into a ride, and even the animation (yes, its an animation, not usually entirely accuate) has it lifting off the ground slightly before it launches.

Lifting off the ground? I just got back from Florida and rode the Mummy yesterday, and can assure you that it's an inclinded-LIM lift, and nothing more. (Not that the ride is average--it's spectactular! I'll see what I can do about trip reports in a few days).
The only thing different about the Mummy's launch from any other LIM is that it is done at an angle (ala Hulk). Look for my Mummy report either later tonight or tomorrow!

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

rollergator's avatar
When a coaster finally DOES use MagLev, that'll be some *serious news*....right now the technology is fantastically expensive (far too high for an amusement ride)...

As for the "futuristic bullet trains", the trains ARE *kinda* unique to the ride...with a four-by-four seating GRID with one car per train, it's the only coaster I've seen to utilize a train like it. The word "futuristic" is in itself ironic considering the theme, LOL...:)

I'd say more about the unique aspects of the ride, but I absolutely hate "spoilers".

I just checked out the RCDB site. It says the ride has three LIM Launches? I know about the inclined launch, but where are the other two?
Mamoosh's avatar
Coreo - trains are launched backwards and again at the faux ending.
Without giving too much away, you have a launch after the inclined launch and a backwards launch before the inclined launch. For more details see my trip report.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

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