The most underated park in my opinion.

Six Flags Over Georgia has to be one of the most underrated parks I have ever seen. Six Flags Great America used to be to me, but now I think that with it's two new coasters it won't be so underated anymore. I mean let's see their major coasters. Batman is excellent, Ninja sucks though, GASM is good, Georgia Cyclone is excellent, Georgia Schorcher is excellent with it's wild intesity, Mindbender is excellent, Viper is intense, and Deja Vu is soon to be probably a sucess. What do you guys think?

SFGAm kicks ***
SFSTL. It has a huge CCI and a BATMAN! The best thing going! ;). SFOG is very under rated also. PKD and PGA are the most underrated though, esspeically PKD!


Proud giga buzzer!
Todd, almost every Six Flags park has a Batman: The Ride model. And The Boss itself could not alone compete with the ride collections of other parks out there.
SFoG is very underrated. Allot of peolple say the park has no coasters over 120 ft so we won't visit. People don't look at the quality of the coasters. The coasters pack a punch to be 100 ft and under. SFoG is one of the best Six Flags Park out there

kRaXLeRidAh said:

"Todd, almost every Six Flags park has a Batman: The Ride model. And The Boss itself could not alone compete with the ride collections of other parks out there."

Ok then, how about Mr. Freeze ? Don't forget the Screamin' Eagle. And of course Batman still enhances the park. I'd say SFStL is definitely underrated. However, since it, SFGAm, and SFKK are the only SF parks I've been to, I can't really say it's the most underrated.
Well good news for me , I'm makin my 1st visit to six flags over georgia later in the year
PKD and PKI Have very painful rides
Blue Streak Laps : 490 ~~ 85 in one day *** This post was edited by Callahan on 6/1/2001. ***
SFStL is VERY underrated. It is by far the most beautiful and clean Six Flags park, but It has a very nice collection of rides. It may not have 15 coasters, but The coasters it does have are top notch.
SFOG is also very underrated. I thought that when I went there 3 years ago and I can only imagine its better now with Scorcher and Deja Vu.


-------ADAM (KY COASTER FREAK) *** This post was edited by PKI_is_the_best on 6/2/2001. ***
And I think Mindbender is underrated as well. I guess it had it's time in the 80's when it was always the #1 steelie. But as soon as B&M came along (and Magnum), it's pretty much been shoved off the "pop lists."

Well, I've been on all those B&M's and arrow hypers, and I still think the Mindbender is the best steelie out there! It's not big, but it's so unique and fast! Snappy loops (NOT consecutive for a change!) NO OTSR's!!! That huge spiral loop thing into the valley, that fast turn-drop-loop combo. It's too good! That bright green paint and all those question marks can go though... That theme will ware off soon.

(and the shockwave at SFOT - put her up there too!)

Ow! My lap bar IS down all the way.
Mindbender is definitely a great coaster. While I havent ridden it in like 8 years, it is still one of the best. I love Schwarzkopf coasters and SFOG having Mindbender and Viper(even though it should still be Tidal Wave at SFGAm), is a great combo.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Ok for one, Six Flags Great America was never underrated. The park is huge! I love it. I would say Six Flags St. Louis and those other ones, which you know. But hardly Six Flags Great America, it has all the rides, everything. Its usually the at the top with the new coasters.
john peck's avatar
Fun Spot Amusement Park
Angola, Indiana
Hey i would have to say Six Flags America and busch gardens. thats just my opinion
read the signature, that's an underrated park.

Dorney Park is da bomb!

Tylers Da Bomb said:
"Ok for one, Six Flags Great America was never underrated. The park is huge! I love it. I would say Six Flags St. Louis and those other ones, which you know. But hardly Six Flags Great America, it has all the rides, everything. Its usually the at the top with the new coasters."

I do believe that nowhere in this thread has anyone said that SFGAm is/was underrated. Read it all again...

*** This post was edited by Joe Carroll on 6/2/2001. ***
SFOG is hardly underrated, at least in the real world. As far as I can tell, most votes for the overall best SF parks go to SFGAm, SFOG, and SFStL. honorable mention to SFMM. But overall, SFOG is easily the best.


kRaXLeRidAh said:
"Todd, almost every Six Flags park has a Batman: The Ride model. And The Boss itself could not alone compete with the ride collections of other parks out there."

Acutally, i disagree. I would take The Boss over SFGAm's entire collection anyday.

Lagoon Aumsement Park, It Has better C/S then ANY SF, Is fairly clean, and is a nice, fun family park!

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