The Media... Wrong again!!

Soggy's avatar
OK, so this isn't a real big deal, but I feel like posting this to see how many other folks have read similar articals.

In today's (6-28) L.A. Times there is an article about roller coasters, featuring the worlds tallest coaster, Goliath! Well, they did say that it was back in February, before The Force opened. Of course, it (the article) continues on to mention all of the 4500 injuries that were reported in the 1998 season, as well as the average of 2 deaths per year at theme parks. PLEASE, where are they getting these stats?? My favorite error was when it stated, and here is the exact quote from the article,

"...go upside down six times on the Raptor in Cedar Point. The steel coaster spirals riders into a 180-degree roll, then repeats the process in reverse. Fun!"

Last time I checked, Raptor doesn't go backwards. It's called a boomerang design guys, and it is at PKI, and abiut 20 other parks as well.

It also mentions that Americans are "risk takers" and that "We push the edge." Do you consider getting on a coaster a risky situation? I don't.

Gotta ride 'em all!

No, coasters aren't risky, as long as people don't do anything foolish. But there are ride-related injuries and deaths every year at parks, mostly due to rider negligence. Off the top of my head I can think of at least four ride-related deaths that occured last year, and there were probably more.
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.
Actually I dont think there is a Raptor in PKI(I may be wrong though) But there is one in Cedar point. Or I may have misunderstude your question.... :)

Soggy's avatar
The coaster that the article describes (180 deg turn, then again in reverse) is a boomerang... there is one at PKI, Face/Off.
I know that Raptor is at CP. It does not go backwards. Boomerang designs do.

I should have said that more clearly the first time.

Gotta ride 'em all! *** This post was edited by Soggy on 6/28/2000. ***
I think they are talking about the cobra roll on Raptor. The words they used made it sound like the train was going backwards but I think they meant you do the same thing again.
Soggy's avatar
Here is the address for the article, judge for yourself.

The description just does not sound like Raptor to me. The very next paragraph describes Nemesis as having "ski lift" trains, they do not mention that for Raptor.

Gotta ride 'em all!
"The steel coaster spirals riders into a 180-degree roll, then repeats the process in reverse. " Yes, I think that sounds like a cobra roll. CP's web site describes it as "...180-degree roll and repeats the twisting movement in the reverse order." which is almost what they said. Maybe it could have been worded better.

You said PLEASE, where are they getting these stats?? To answer your question, read the rest of the sentence ("In 1998, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimated") unless "they" refers to the CPSC. I think 4500 injuries sounds about right, considering how many people go to parks, and how the smallest bruise could be considered an injury.
I hate this crap! Im glad that our paper tends to support coasters since it is adjacent to Dorney Park. In May there was a page long article devoted to Dorney,and two quarter pahes on LR at Hershey,and MF.

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at Hersheypark

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