The Island Strikes back

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8/29/2002 Trip ive lost count to PKI

I was bored outta my mind. FOF had to work but He picked me up anyways and it was off to Kings Island for a day of Fun.

I knew it was limited operatons I didnt care. It felt Odd walking in though the main gate after working there and using the employee entrance for so long.

I went to the ATM machine in front of the restrooms. *insert suspenefull music* i put my card in punch my passoword hit account balance AND IT EATS MY CARD!!!!!!! I was LIVID. I was at guest realtions in under 3 seconds. They called the bank but alas they wouldnt give my card back. I HAD NO MONEY! NO CASH NO CHECKS NO NOTHING! I was stuck there all day till FOF got off. Luckly cause of my poilite madness they gave me a 10 buck gift certifcate so I could get though the day.

By this time it was 9:45 time to steak out my spot nearest action zone. I talked to some people who never had visted the park before and told them the easy method of the clockwise way around the park and I tell em the stats of SOB. When they realised it didn't have OTSRs they freaked out. I told them it was perfectly fine the lapbar does a good (ok i lied) job of keeping you confortable and safe. The rope dropped its SOB time

Son of Beast (5X)
1st ride 7.3
2nd 5.1
3rd 7.2
4th 3.2
5th 7.1
waits between 1 and 2 trains
Oh how I love this ride. I was on the 1st train out of the station. What a rush this ride is great we flew through the cource the MCBR wasnt even on in the least we flew in the loop Boy it was fun. no bruses or nothing!

Face off 2x
back seat both times
since i was alone I opted not to face off with anyone. Face off is the best Inverted boomerang for your head. No head bashing at all.

Top Gun
2x 7.2 and 1.2
weird with 1 train and someone tell me when did they turn the advertisement back on!

Adventure express
back seat all 4 rides
I like this ride its relaxing to me. All the effects still work Baravo.

Racer forwards
Backwards was closed so i hopped in the back of forwards. normally I dont diss the racers But I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN SO MUCH PAIN ON 1 RIDE IN ALL MY LIFE. They gotta get new trains for it they are highly uncomforable and that lap bar is WAY too low

Now heres a suprise Jeff seibert was working monster. I road this 3 times to get the oppertunity to pick his brain. 3rd time I GOT GOING GOOD! my bookbag must of made a balance or somthing

Flight of Fear.
back seat middle back and middle
Once again they must have put that ride on steroids or somthing cause we flew through the course. Now there was an alterer motive that I had for rideing so much. But im not saying.
Then i skipped vortex and saw my baby the flying eagles. preformed an airshow scared an op to death when i dive bombed and scraped the ground.
I decided to relax I got a free water and jumped aboard the train. snapped some photos and relaxed. Saw white water cayon had a log in it. Im relacxed suffentlty but i want to get wet.
Wild thronberrys river adventure. I road with some people who was on the train. I explained that they re did the ride back in 2000 and rethemed it. didnt get really wet the elephant got me.

I realised a Grave mistake I forgot to ride pappa beast!

Beast 3x
back seat all 3 times.
There were running 2 trains 3rd was being worked on over on the side track. The brake isnt even noticeable second. we didnt slow down much either brakes were light (guess cause the 2 train operation) it was fantastic. if only they had softer seats. skipped TRTR no biggie.
I circled the park so i decided to go back to action zone, I walk into On loaction and who do i see my buddy tim from school. He was "working" hard cause no one was buying anything. we talked he offered to carpool if i wanted to return for the fall. Im off to human resouces.
hand stamped im over in HR
Human resouces 1x Front seat :-P
Blah blah blah somthings messed up in the puter give em 2 days to call me. No biggie. I walk back in and decide its lunch time. PB and jelly and oreos Good lunch! I decide to ride vortex.

Vortex 2x
back seat and somewhere in the middle.
Love that pop of air. Using the FOF method for min headbanging. But I smaked the back of the seat really hard in the block brakes and i got the VORTEX head ache. So its off to 1st aid i go.

first aid
Got my ibuprofin (never asked my age either) and left
I go over to the garden and across from the hair wrapping stand. I sit on the brick retaining wall. I lay down and stare at the foutain while the medicince takes effect I dose off. it was for a short time. someone who knew me (thinking it was a manager not sure) poked me and asked me if i was ok. I look like a moron and get up. i went into hana baraba land hit scoobys ghoster coaster beastie thats about it for there. I walked into coney rode the ship all the flats.

I road all the coaster over again and had an hour to blow so I basically walked from 5-6pm finally getting some skyline and eating in coney. its 6pm I leave. I wait on FOF to get off. He gets out a bit late and i go home. No major turmorl unlike my trip to SFKK when all H*ll broke loose at my house while I was gone. Got some photos and stuff and it was fun. Problems at PKI what problems?

It was fun overall got me outta the house before i freaked.

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

*** This post was edited by PKIEMPSOB on 8/30/2002. ***

You can scrap the ground on the flyers?


apprently you can. Didn't think ya could either

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

I've never scrapped the ground on PKI's flyers but have done so on both Knoebels and Lesourdsvilles. Knoebels actually scared me as I was worried about hitting the inside rock wall. Almost did too!


Charles Nungester.
Visit Lesourdsville Lake :) Park phone is (513)539-2193

Raven-Phile's avatar

Charles Nungester said:

I've never scrapped the ground on PKI's flyers but have done so on both Knoebels and Lesourdsvilles. Knoebels actually scared me as I was worried about hitting the inside rock wall. Almost did too!


Charles Nungester.
Visit Lesourdsville Lake Park phone is (513)539-2193

I nailed the operator booth at Conneaut Lake, and I almost nailed the op. Plus, I stalled out so low on those flyers that I scraped on the the legs of the ride.

loads of fun, I LOVE flyers.


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