The Great Escape - 7/27

Associated parks:

I've been debating whether or not to submit a trip report for this visit... it was a day of ups and downs (pun intended). I guess I hate to be negative, but I decided to submit it because I have not seen many reports on The Great Escape.

I had visited the park earlier this season when they invited ACE for a Comet ERT session. (Last minute deal... during CoasterCon.) I had a fantastic time. Unfortunately, my wife had not attended the ERT, so I picked up some new coasters that she hadn't ridden. Her loss... the 15 straight rides on Comet were a blast.

So, on to this trip. We went to get a coaster fix and to equalize our coaster counts. The trip started off great. How many parks owned by Six Flags have free parking? We got there shortly after the park opened and headed for Nightmare at Crackaxle Canyon. Cool name, fun little indoor Jet Star. Unfortunately, closed this trip. Bummer.

We caught a couple of rides on Steamin' Demon. Practically a walk-on. I love the paint job, and my wife and I agreed that it was a smooth ride for an Arrow.

Then off to the Boomerang. Probably waited too long for another notch in the coaster count. Oh well.

Alpine Bobsled was next. (I have memories of riding this when it was at SFGAdv.) We caught a ride on the American bobsled, what a patriotic paint job!

Comet was next. I do love this ride. Not my favorite woodie, but certainly one with a lot of history. It gives a fun ride too. We ended up with three laps for the day.

That takes me to the negative impressions. We weren't impressed with the food. We ended up with some bland chicken fingers and fries. Probably should have shopped around some more. We weren't impressed with the dispatch times on most of the coasters. There just didn't seem to be much hustle or efficiency. The crowds didn't seem too bad for a Saturday at a park, but the waits still seemed long to me. And though not the park's fault, my wife didn't enjoy getting hit in the nose as the kid in front of us on the Comet lost his hat.

There were some definite positives, though. I was able to get some decent pictures. We did enjoy the dive show. It had a lot of energy and attracted a large crowd. Kudos to the employees working at the Fudge Shop... they went the extra mile and provided great customer service.

All in all, a fun day. Just not perfect. I do recommend a visit to the park if you're in the area. Gotta do it before they charge for parking. :)

I am going there in September. I have heard the lines get long for Nightmare the most. I also heard rumors that Steamin Demon was coming down.


SFgadvMAN, Steamin Demon won't come down, it had just been repainted in different colors for this season.

But Great Escape is possibly will have a new entrance, new parking lot, and a new bridge across Rt. 9 for peeps to go across from parking lot.
SFNE's Superman's the best!

SFgadvMAN - lines for the nightmare can be terrifying! (maybe thats why its called the nightmare lol) you think the line for SROS at SFNE is bad wait till you see this thing lol. Theres been times ive seen it over 3 hours for the ride, which isnt worth anymore then a 30 minute wait. sure its a cool little ride but definately not worth wasting your time on. spend your time wisely and ride GE's only decent coaster the Comet as many times as you can!

GE is my homepark and i love it but it has been neglected and needs new rides. if you can get out to SFNE instead head out there! you'll have a much better time!

Albany Entertainment:

*** This post was edited by CalvinJ23 on 7/30/2002. ***

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