The Fun of being stranded on the Force! June 19th

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I went with my church group (I dont know if Ill do this again since I cant stand group trips) and we got to the park at 12:30. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnuts bakers hat on the whole day, which a few people complemented me on. My friend Steve and I were glad to see WT open, so we hit it first and had a great ride. Then went to MF, but it had like an 1 1/2 hour wait and the Freeways were already gone, so we went back to Mean Streak. The trims were on, but the ride really kept its speed through the rest of the ride well and wasnt rough at all.

Later in the day on Magnum we took our shirts off on the lift. Back in the pretzel suddenly Steves yelling that he dropped the shirt. So the ops and security gaurd told him he needed to keep his shirt on, and we could only respond that we were going to buy one.

We decided to wait for MF in the long line, but when we got near the end of the queues the dj got in the booth. I gotta say this guy was great. I wonder if any of you employees know who Im talking about he was a big black guy that announced out loud that he was from DEEEEtroit. He also said that it seems like Michigan runs the park each day.

As we were getting into the station the line stops and it looked like a matinence problem. Then they backed the red train into the transfer track and began messing with the back car. I thought it was pretty cool since Ive never seen them switch the trains before. I watched the matinence take off a lift wheel under the last car. *Someone should refresh my meory on exactly what these are for again, I know they do something like keep pressure on the track and engage the antirollbacks if they stop moving.* Luckly they ran two trains for a while, but when our blue train got back to the station we stopped out in the brake run. A little while later they moved the red train back on the track. One of the ops came over and told us we had undershot and couldnt get out on the extending catwalk, which was built obviously for this situation. So we sat there for a half an hour and finally they used the little electircal box thingy to release each of the harnesses. I thought it was cool enough just to be stranded on the ride (yeah Im a little crazy, I would have loved to have been on the lift hill like the train was later) but then they gave us the pass to the front of any ride!

MF never opend back up before we left so we used the ticket on Mantis instead. It was a great day and some funny memories (losing a shirt on Magnum, the doughnut hat, a kid pretending to puke up ketchup, and stuck on the force).

I was there on the 20th, and everything was running smoothly. Also, I didn't see any shirt under the Pretzel on the Magnum XL-200. Also, I'm sorry that you weren't able to get on the best ride in the world. Otherwise, it seemed like you had a pretty good time.

I love roller coasters, and I need psychiatric help. Or a roller coaster.

Jeff's avatar

Those wheels, under the fifth and last car, roll on the anti-rollback track and generate a current that pulls the device off the hill, so it doesn't drag (that's the way I understand it, anyway). They're pretty easy to spot when you're on the bridge next to the transfer and a train is sitting in the station.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

CPNut, just a correction since I didnt explain it clear enough. We did get to ride MF, we werent able to ride it again later using the free boarding pass.

Jeff, thats what I was trying to think of, the current created by the wheels. But how is it that the current has relation to the rollback device, arent they located under car 5? Might wanna find Rideman's explanation for this one...

Jeff's avatar

There isn't just one set, there are two (at least two that I've seen). You don't think it would make sense to put the entire weight of the train on one pair when it's stopped, do you?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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