The CPG - everybody should be so lucky

nasai's avatar
This morning, I awoke to my typical bad back, when I realized that it was pretty cool to have a new home, and live in a new town.

What does this have to do with coasters, you ask? Well, not necessarily that much, however, I came into work, and this DHL guy shows up at my work. Today is payday, so I think... why would a DHL guy show up? We use FedEx. Well, I grab the envelope, and see my name on the envelope. An overnight envelope, no less? What?

Inside is a card (amongst other things) from the CPG. I realize that most of you (well, roughly 5000 of you) aren't in the elite coaster club I speak of (;)), but I thought you should hear it. I had a housefire a week ago. It wasn't life threatening, or even house threatening, however it did leave a lot of smoke damage, and loused up my furnace and hot water heater. Well, thank God for insurance, but between this and moving in, I guess my pals thought it would be a wonderful gift to send me this card, and let them know they were thinking of me. ... and it is.

Jeff, if you'd like to close this, I understand, however, I wanted to make sure everyone knows that the CPG, regardless of the inane comments we make, is a wonderful place to live within, and I love my friends. All coaster enthusiasts should be so lucky. If it weren't for Coasterbuzz, I wouldn't know these blokes (and blokette;)), and this past year wouldn't have been half as fun. Thanks to everyone for thinking of me. :):):):):)
*** This post was edited by nasai 10/15/2003 1:43:23 PM ***

Call me naive, but what is the CPG?
A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002
The Coasterbuzz Peanut Gallery, one of a few on-site cliques. Okay, time for an 'origin' episode...

The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check your local listings for events.

Ditto on that one Rob, what the heck is CPG?

On the other hand, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but am happy to hear about the support from friends.

Off topic; "...thank God for insurance..." !?!?!? Yea, right. Thank God for the inflated premiums. Thank God they do everything they can when you show interest in purchasing a plan, but expect you to do all the work once something goes wrong, even when they make a serious mistake. Thank God they have "agencies" that investigate history and report false information back to the insurance company. Thank God they do this AFTER you give them money, instead of before which could make clearing up confusion a little easier. Thank God they...

alright, I'll stop. Enough of my way-off topic ranting.

nasai's avatar
Insurance has been nothing but perfect for me. Perfect service, and perfect patience. They know I am frustrated, but they have been there everytime I needed them. I imagine I am in the minority, but so far, every time I have a problem, my insurance company is spot on.

Playa, you can tell the year is anew when people ask about the CPG. If anything, you'd think we were too visible. ;)

Rob-proud to be 147 and CPG
I might have jumped the gun on Ethyl.

We're still waiting for the post that starts 'A long, long time ago on a message board far, far away..."

The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check your local listings for events.

Please, tell me what insurance company you have! I'm going to switch, but I don't know who to use. From what you describe about their outstanding service, it's obviously not American Family Insurance! :>p
I've never even heard of that one before!

A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

nasai's avatar
Yeah, I am not familiar with that one either! Heck, I just use Allstate, but perhaps it's the relationship I have with them on the phone. If you yell, you will never get anywhere. Everyone yells at adjusters. I just call my insurance agent on a semi regular basis, and shoot the breeze. Honestly, I do this with pretty much everyone I pay money to. It keeps them honest, and they like that feeling (as do I) of a friendship. It's a part of sales. If you sell stuff, you have to create relationships for people to count on.

Hence, my comments on the CPG. The relationship I have with these folks is wonderful, and I know I could say anything to them without risk of losing their friendship, because we have been honest with ourselves from the get go.
Between Dill pickles and Donuts, my secret awaits.

American Family is big in the Midwest and I have no beef with them. Actually, after getting paid for two totaled cars (wasn't at fault in either claim) and a new roof and siding courtesy of my policies...would anybody?

And when is someone going to explain how the CPG became the CPG? I mean the MOJ was spawned of jokes in a thread one day and you can pretty much watch that develop. Any takers?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 10/15/2003 2:55:32 PM ***

janfrederick's avatar
Sniff, yer making us non-members jealous....sniff.. ):


"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

CoastaPlaya said:

And when is someone going to explain how the CPG became the CPG?

I actually came up with that a while back when Moosh, myself, bASs and gator would spend our work days making wise-cracks, smart-ass remarks, hi-jacking thread, etc.

I thought that we were like a Peanut Gallery, and the name just stuck. Other like-minded folks were added to the fold.

Mamoosh's avatar
I think Chris Baran ['chris'] first used the term CPG.

jf - we're nothing to be jealous of, and I don't think I'm comfortable with calling us a clique. We're 8 close friends who chat and email...a lot. But as MagForce, KoasterKing, HomeyG and many others will tell you we enjoy lots of people's company.


New holiday & all-occasion cards on sale thru Oct 21st. 2004 Wood Coaster Calendar still available. All at S&D Greetings.

rollergator's avatar
Danny, Brent, and Brian, Moosh.....THAT'S the best you could come up with? ROFL....

Funny thing is, before Coasterbuzz came along I think the only members who knew each other were Moosh and bASS....chris contacted me when he found my article in the ACE mag, and the next thing I knew I had been drafted....I think jimmybob has THE pic that shows our true *character* (caricature?)...

I consider myself very lucky to know ALL of you that I've met, *even* those in the CPG...:)

janfrederick's avatar
Aww shucks! (shuffles feet)

Well, I must say, clique or no, I love talking smack with y'alls. It's almost too bad, in a way, that this forum is moderated. :)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
*** This post was edited by janfrederick 10/15/2003 3:34:25 PM ***

Aw, Robbio, it was nothing. We loves ya! You're the man who puts the dill pickle in our donuts.

Mike Miller - just happens to be an insurance adjuster, lol!

nasai's avatar
True. Granted Eric, you can rest assured that you are "in" anyway. Hell, you are so interesting, and you live in that sunshine belt down there in SoCal, so I want you to feel comfortable just so I can visit you. ;)

Playa, as everyone else said, you have to blame the moniker on Chris. He also found a pic (or was that Moosh?) that perfectly resembled our likenesses. Our animated dopplegangers, if you will.
Between Dill pickles and Donuts, my secret awaits.

janfrederick's avatar
By the way Sr. Rob, I know I've these things have fallen through before, but after watching Horatio's Drive, the wife and I decided to take a road trip next summer. We're talkin' Eastern Cascades up, and coast back. PNE, Silverwood, and Rob in the middle (finally!). :)

I'll keep ya posted....

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

CPLady's avatar
Nasai, sorry to hear about the fire, dude! Glad it wasn't life or house threatening.

As for the CPG, they are the ones who keep the rest of us entertained during the off season (yeah, yeah, I know some of you don't have COASTER off seasons) Come to think if it, I've been "off" for years...but that's a whole 'nother story.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

nasai's avatar
Thanks Linda. I appreciate your words. You really started my season right this year. :)

Eric, just so long as you actually show up this year. I don't trust you anymore! ;)
Between Dill pickles and Donuts, my secret awaits.

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