The Best Manufacturer?

I was wondering what all of you thought about this. Just say your favorite and why.

My favorite is Intamin because they are not afraid to push the enevelope. And can make world class coasters MUCH cheaper then other companies. Intamin's rides are soo smooth and it feels like your are going soo fast.

Here's a LINK to my favorite manufacturer!
The Mole's avatar

The Elf said:
I was wondering what all of you thought about this. Just say your favorite and why.

My favorite is Intamin because they are not afraid to push the enevelope. And can make world class coasters MUCH cheaper then other companies. Intamin's rides are soo smooth and it feels like your are going soo fast.

Togo, hands down. ;)

coasterpunk! don't expose the wonderful world of! The better the site is kept from everyone the better. I take it you just got turned on to home star though, so i won't blame you.

My favorite manufacturer is probaly the former arrow dynamics, I liked there super loopers. But the current champ of my favorite coaster builder is d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d(drumroll) B&M, they are smooth and stay smooth forever, and there inversions are the best I have ever felt.

Why do i have the felling this thread will get closed, I figure it has been talked about before. Maybe no, it would be nice to have an update sort of speek, check up on all of the opinion polls that get started from time to time.

john peck's avatar
My favorite is and always will be Arrow.

They are the reason why you kids have all your B&Ms and launch rocket coasters..

Arrow may not be the best at smoothness or have wide sweeping transitions, but without Arrow, the industry wouldn't have been what it is today.

Heres to you Bacon and Morgan.. my favorite B&Ms

Personally I like Hewlett Packard.

I'm not too fond of Sony.

Just to pick a couple.

Hey, hey, hey! don't be diss'n bacon! It's way to much of a wicked aesome cool, and delicios, food to be used as an insult. I used to like arrow, but something happenend... a do-do bird walked into the arrow headquarters and that was that.

... now back to eating that bacon. :) mmm, bacon!

I loved Arrow Dynamics before they became "Arrow". Now that there gone too it looks like my favorite is Vekoma. I think it's because the track styles are the same.

P.S. RIP Steel Phantom

Sorry, had to get that in there, Lol!

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