That's the best name they could come up with?

LostKause's avatar

After "It", Morey's Pier's next flat ride, opening in 2013, is going to be a Huss Frisbee called "This". Then, in 2015, they will install a Swing Thing called "That". All three rides will help to complete a new themed land, called "Whatever Ever Land". It will have a gift shop called "Mine", a very small arcade called "Few", and an eatery called "Something".

The new themed area will be more popular then Wizarding World in Orlando, spinning off a series of adventure books and a TV Situation Comedy, which will then produce a huge merchandising franchise, complete with action figures, licensed clothing and accessories, and a breakfast cereal ("It Cereal").

rollergator's avatar

Vater said:
At the risk of not being your friend, you're the third person to suggest that.

That's "it" - we're no longer friends... :)


You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Vater's avatar

LOL gator. I was actually responding to Jerry, who seems to have deleted his post, I'm assuming because he realized he made a suggestion that had already been made twice before? ;)

Last edited by Vater,

Mike Gallagher said:

Yeah, the article said that. Thanks for elaborating.

"it's" my pleasure. Just a tip for those who didn't read the article. What is not in the article is that "it" will have the Euro-funfair style lighting package versus the much simpler one found on many American park/portable models.

rollergator's avatar

Always forced to wonder if I'm weird in that I'm WAY impressed by a good lighting package....good to know that I might in fact be weird, but at least I'm not alone... ;)

Hoping I'm going to meet up with a few of you at HWN '11....friends and "non-friends"...if not, then maybe CBtO? :)

Last edited by rollergator,

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Seems like a couple of odd selling points - restraints and lights.

Then again, they did it with the 'new' Nor'Easter too.

Morey's Piers. Home of different restraints and neat lighting packages. :)

Tekwardo's avatar

I am glad that theyre getting a lap bar only version as the only ride I've ever been turned away from riding was one of these without lap bars. My upper body and height make them uncomfortable even when I find an op that is willing to push hard. I wish I could say it was due to my weight because I could lose weight and fit better but even when I've lost weight it's a problem on these and I love riding them. My stupid shoulders seem to be the problem.

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coasterqueenTRN's avatar

rollergator said:
The name is pretty cool, but this ride with lapbars....that's going to be freakin' sweet. :)

Now "Freakin' Sweet" would be a perfect coaster/ride name. ;)

Wouldn't say the lighting is really a selling point, but it's just another factor in making "it" a unqiue and custom KMG Fireball experience.

kpjb's avatar

I think when you operate a pay-as-you-go park that the lighting package really is a major selling point. (Once you're on site, anyhow... don't know about using it for advertising purposes.)


Lord Gonchar's avatar

That actually makes quite a bit of sense.

Tekwardo's avatar

Especially seaside pay as you go parks that are open at nite. Atmosphere at its best.

Last edited by Tekwardo,

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Lord Gonchar's avatar

Tekwardo said:
Atmosphere at its best.

Charm without trees.
(the great paradox)

Tekwardo's avatar

Well, I find the parts of CP with lighting packages charming, so what do I know?

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

What about the parts of CP with lighting packages... ON the trees?

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Lord Gonchar said:

Tekwardo said:
Atmosphere at its best.

Charm without trees.
(the great paradox)

Ocean charm. It's a different variety in the charm family.

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Tekwardo's avatar

djDaemon said:
What about the parts of CP with lighting packages... ON the trees?

I haven't been to CP since they added those...but I'll be seeing it at Carowinds this summer, so I'll get back to ya :).

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Cyclo Tower said:
Hey, BillB, you're not happy with "it?" (PI) Did you come up with any better names?

Also, for those who don't know, "it" will have custom designed lap bars instead of over-the-shoulder harnesses. "it?" "it."

I dont care that much.. I just thought it was stupid.

Tekwardo said:
I am glad that theyre getting a lap bar only version as the only ride I've ever been turned away from riding was one of these without lap bars. My upper body and height make them uncomfortable even when I find an op that is willing to push hard. I wish I could say it was due to my weight because I could lose weight and fit better but even when I've lost weight it's a problem on these and I love riding them. My stupid shoulders seem to be the problem.

Really? I rode one of these in Ocean City... at least I think it was, and I'm 6'4" and a biscuit shy of 300 lbs

rollergator's avatar

^Based on Matt, Clint, and a couple others....the problem with the OTSRs on this type of ride usually excludes those with large shoulders....and most manufacturers have sensors that dictate quite a low restraint to get a "go" signal.


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