Taking your luck at games.

Does anyone have a game that they always have to play when they go to the park? Mine is that I always want to challenge the strength test at SFGAm, but I seem to never win.
The Raging Bull #1!!
If I happen to walk by the game where you slap 50 cents on a month and then roll a dice like ball, I'll slap 50 cents down. I always somehow manage to win on this for some reason. I've won a decent sized Tweety Bird and Scooby Doo and Cedar Point playing this game. Which is great becasuse my daughter's room is decorated with looney tunes and her favorite show is Scooby Doo and these were won before she was even a glimmer in my eye.

Thank you for riding America's Roller Coast
Fascination at Cedar Point, though that won't be this year, unfortunately. Other than that, I don't generally like the prizes at games, so I save up to go to another park!

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
I love Ski Ball, but only the ones where you get prizes not tickets. There was an arcade above the candy store at Kennywood that is rumored to have been taken out. I would always win a few small prizes there. I also remember one at Cedar Point towards the front of the park.

I also love mini golf (the game not the actual course under the Phantom), that game is extremely challenging with its hidden breaks, sinking one into the first hole can even be tough sometimes.

Joe Cernelli
Head Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I like the hi stryker(hammer game), i also like the water gun games.
I don't like to waste my money on games, but sometimes I will try to win the game where you have to throw rings on top of the poles. I will only do games if it's raining or the coaster lines are really long.
My favorite are the water gun games with the spinning target. Usually, one 1 or 2 people other than me know the secret: Hold the button down so you shoot right away, and keep it in the exact center. Then you don't have to move the gun at all, and they all shoot at the same rate, so if you hit first (1 of 2 or 3 chance usually) you win! I got a couple Scooby Doos like that with only 6 dollars. They wern't mini Scobbys either, but regular sized ones.

Deja Vu & V2. Can life get any better?
I like to play all the games at the parks. Whenever I see a game I want to play it. My favorite one is when you have to throw the ball into one of those plate looking things that are floating on water. I think those are pretty hard to win.

The kid formally known as Al!! :)
My best is the Amazing Alfredo at SFGAm. They have 2 locations. I always say to guess the weight and I win everytime. When you are tall like myself with somewhat baggy clothing you fool the person everytime.

"SAVING THE WORLD BEFORE BEDTIME" Powerpuff girls *** This post was edited by Chitown on 3/30/2001. ***
I'm the master at the bowling ball game. Where you roll the ballover the little hill and try to keep from rolling back over the hill. I've won a stuffed tucan bird, a Speedy Gonzalas doll, and a monkey.

Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTmaster

Can you take me higher? (CREED)
Definetly Ski Ball
My name is Jason, and I'm addicted to coasters.
I seem to excel at the games where the players aim water pistols at targets and fill up a tube or get their dolls to the top first or whatever the case may be.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I am the best at water gun games!!!!!! I love them!!! I have never lost and I always play. But I like the ones without the ballon where something travels up a pole because water ballons are not fair because some ballons pop first even though they are filled the same.

Ver...Ver...Ver...Vertical Veloity!!! I'm getting over stimulated!
Must stop for ski ball!

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!http://www.woodencoaster.com
Although not really a game like the others mentioned, I've won a ton of things out of the "crane" machine. It's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Of course, most of those stuffed animals have ended up being toys for our dog, but, hey, you can't beat it for 50 cents.
One ball at PKI win every time we go . Also basketball.
Look under the crane machines and usually you'll find a prize from it.

(no I am not homeless........ or white trash. ;))

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"
I happen to be very good at "Wacky Wire." In case you park doesn't have it (and it should!), this is a game with a metal coil in the shape of a loose spring, which rotates. The object is to pass a metal ring over the length of the coil, all the way to the bottom. It sounds easier than it is, but I have a "trick" that helps me win about 1/2 of the time. It's pretty crowd-pleasing when you win :)

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