Suggestions for hotel at Cedar Point

I will be going to Coastermania (June 1) at Cedar Point. I haven't been there in years and would like to know what the ideal place to stay would be. Searched coasterbuzz suggestions, but don't really know the details. Could someone help out?
At Coastermania I have always stayed at the Breakers, first in the Bon Air section, then more recently the Tower. It's REALLY convenient because after 12am or 1am ERT on Magnum, it's just a few steps away! However, I wouldn't be a it surprised if it's booked up this close to June.
Last August I also tried the Breakers Express and it's nice too.

If there's a room, and you don't mind spending a few extra bucks, go for the Breakers. Besides, it's a very historic part of CP, and every CP nut should try it once.
- Peabody
One place not to stay is the Howard Johnsons right at the entrance to the causeway.

2001 Magnum Crew
I've stayed at the Days Inn and Travelodge and they were both decent.
If there are still rooms, the Breakers is the best. Walking back to your room after the long day is great. No parking lot hassles.
The Breakers Express is the cheapest of the official Cedar Point hotels. It is where I stayed when I went and it was very nice. However, Breakers is right next to a park entrance.

"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"
My understanding of coastermania is that you can only enter through the main gate. So if you stay at Breakers or Sandcastle, you'll have to go around to the front of the park to register, but you'll still have the advantage of going to the hotel for a mid-day break if you want. We are staying at the Maples Motel this year, so we don't have to deal with the construction on 250.

Thank you for riding America's Roller Coast

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