"Hello to Yogi, Hello to Booboo, Hello to Scooby Doo. Barney and Fred say hi..." --King's Dominion's Singing Mushrooms
Do you think that the opening could be delayed because of AIR's major breakdown with the lifting mechanism. They might have to fly out a reinforced part of whatever broke down to make sure the ride is safe.
SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit www.geocities.com/sfneguy for info. and pics of SFNE, including NEW constr. pics of B:DK!!!
That is so awesome because I already have my trip planned for that day. Does anyone know when media day will be? I would guess April 5. Also are ACERS invited to attend the media day?
Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull
Webmaster of Travis's Websites of Infinite Boredom!
Less than 2 months until SFGAm opens!
TrBiggar, exactly who do you think you are? You live in what, Wisconsin? Why on Earth do you think you know what goes on down in Georgia regarding ACE and SFoG? Exactly what gave you the idea you had any clue of what you're talking about?
If you don't know, please don't say anything. Yes, Media Day implies Media, but just because your home "SF" park, SFGAm, doesn't allow every ACEr in the region to visit, doesn't mean the park down South won't. See what I mean? Things are run differently everywhere, you can't make a statement like that when you have zero clue what goes on at each individual park.
"Look for the big black sack of Mofuggin Nuts at your local grocery store". -- Radio ad in FL
Legendary... does this mean that Ace Members are invited to Media Day?
Planned Parks for this summer: SFoGa, CP, SFWoA, SFGAm, SFKK, PKI, MA, SFStL, HW, KW. Is 10 enough?
Cornerstone Festival 2002... I will be there
"Look for the big black sack of Mofuggin Nuts at your local grocery store". -- Radio ad in FL
vacoasterfreak...I've never been to PKD. I just know the singing mushrooms from the movie Rollercoaster.
SFOG will be EXTREMELY crowded April 6. First day of Spring break for local school districts.
"Hello to Yogi, Hello to Booboo, Hello to Scooby Doo. Barney and Fred say hi..." --King's Dominion's Singing Mushrooms
Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull
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