"Stuck on a Rollercoaster"

Dont know how I came across this but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it. 3 kids pretend riding a coaster and 1 kid pretends to be a ride-op. Guess you can get your friends together during the offseason and make believe. :)


2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

aiight. They seem all mad they got stuck


*** This post was edited by Code823 on 12/10/2002. ***

god, that was really stupid. I stopped it half way through it was so stupid.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

Didn't work on Internet Explorer but it worked for me on netscape 7. try another browser maybe if it doesn't work.
That was incredibly odd... Those kids actually presented that for some speech contest?! (check the speech main page for more...)

Yeah, I gotta say, this is kinda stupid. I'm wondering what kind of state they live in, cause why would the even be "invited" or wahtever? It's quite obvious they aren't enthusiast either, cause not too many of us would be too upset with a double! At the GOCC event I was completely shocked and happy when we got doubles. Then when we started getting triples I about lost it. I was completely lost on the one quadruple we got! 4 times in a row on the legend is not something you should do too often!


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

All I can say is wow. That was rather interesting.
That school is in something like Nashua, Iowa.

Schwarzkopf shuttle loops...The most possible fun in 36 seconds.

Ride of Steel's avatar

I used to do that when i was like 6 years old after I went on Magnum. I'd take chairs and line that up and have my parents sit in them, check the "imaginary lapbars" and get out my karoke machines and I'd say the lines.Sorta embarassing but fun anyway lol.

Instead now my friends and I get paid to watch my brother and my neighbors so we pull them on a wagon but act as if its a rollercoaster by having a microphone, control panel, and i open the garage door each time its clear to dispatch. The whole thumbs up thing is involved too lol. To bad I didn't use a window because we could to the whole magnum knock knock thing.

The little things that embarass ya lol

Don't ask why, but I watched the whole thing. The ending is sort of funny. As these kids are stuck on the rollercoaster and can't wait to get off, what do they do when they are finally set free of the ride? "Lets ride again", is what they say as if they never got stuck.

Ok, I enjoyed it! It looks like this video was created for either a video production or a drama class. I believe it was one of these two because I took these two classes in Jr. High and High School. In my drama class we had to do improvisations with either no props or simple stuff in the classroom. Yes, we did stupid skits just like this one. But they weren't as long as this one, thank god.

Just imagine the Cedar Point announcement, "420 feet high at more than 100 mph straight up and straight down with a twist!". "Nah uh, really?" : ) I'm much more patient when I can see exactly what they are building.

Speech Class/Team. I suspect team because they said they got a 1 rating.

The dramas we have to do in spanish class are quite frankly so much more pathetic.

One of the kids said one hundred foot hill like its the tallest in the world. Are there even any coasters in Iowa?

Give the kids a break. I think it was Improv. Thats what most of the others were. I would hate to be filmed. My 1st year spanish teacher filmed our "Me Llamo...." speeches the first week of school and then showed us them in June to humiliate us.

What the hell?
Hey, I never said it was intelligent. Sometimes stupid things can make a person laugh. This was one of them.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

CPLady's avatar
I thought it was funny, and exactly the kind of dumb thing kids end up doing for classes. Although for continuity sake, they should have left off the part about the OSTR's. Kinda hard to lean forward and to each side as far as they did with an OSTR.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I hate those OSTRs. By the way, what is an OSTR?

It's Giant, it's Inverted, it's a Boomerang, Beeyatch!

I believe that OSTR is six flags terminology:

Over Shoulder: The Restraint

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