Popular animated Internet character Strong Bad from takes on the theme park stereotypes when he answers his latest e-mail.
View the animation on Homestar Runner.
Then, after the computer paper pops up again, wait another moment for another great line from Strongbad.
Hey, Homestar hasn't jumpped the shark yet, nor has the comedy fallen. It's a great site that I still love.
local news
and my new favorite...haircut (this one has like 5 different clickables...even one clickable within a clickable)
"What do I think of the English? Oh, I'll Tell you what I think of the English...."
I have been visiting for about a year and a half and that website is starting to take over parts of my life.
I tell people strongbad is my hero, my brother named his turtle The Fhqwhgads, Everytime I ride an Arrow coaster I say I am Arrowed, I have vowed to never ever write a song about sibbie, and whenever I eat a marshmallow I have to eat a grand total of 147 along with a tall glass of melonade.
I freaked out as soon as I saw an email about an amusement park.
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