Strickers Grove Schwabinchen Question

john peck's avatar
As many of you know, Strickers bought Cedar Points old Mack Schwabinchen, and the ride showed up on Strickers property last fall. My question is, Has the ride been put up, or is it going through it's refurbishment for a future-season opening?

FYI: The park should be open on July 4th to the public for their Holiday Fireworks and what not.

I was by there a few weeks ago and the ride was still "in storage" at the back of their property. In other bad news, it appeared their PTC Crazy Dazy ride had been dismantled. Pieces are stacked along their back access road.
john peck's avatar
The Crazy Daisy was no more than some bottom supports last October.

I guess it was too much trouble

I just can't get over that park. I love it! It reminds me of being a kid again, (esp. since Lesourdsville looks to never be opening again!). And I love it because my kids love it. I hope to make the Teddy Bear my sons first wood coaster on family day in August. If you have a chance, go on July 4th or on Family Day in August, it's a great memory of what all parks used to be like. Great food, and free drinks too!

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!

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