Stricker's Grove - 8/10/03

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Family Day at Stricker's is fast becoming a family event for us each year. It's a great little family park in Ross, Ohio, (about 20 minutes west if Cincinnati). It's privately owned, so don't show up any old summer day, it's only opened to the public 3 days a year, (4th of July, 2nd Sunday of August, and usually the last Sun.of Sept./1st week of Oct.). The next open-to-the-public day is September 27th. Anyway, on to the report. SG has all of 16 rides if my count is right, ranging from kiddie up to family type rides. Our favorites are the Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel, Scrambler, the Flyers, and the two coasters, The Tornado & The Teddy Bear. The Teddy Bear coaster was especially good for me because my 3-yr.old road it yesterday - I was beaming with pride!...ah, her first wood coaster. The Tornado was good as usual, keeping in mind this coaster was designed by Mr. Stricker himself, who to my knowledge did not build coasters for a living. The Flyers are always fun, if you know how to do it, they will snap. One guy ahead of us yesterday actually trimmed the trees for them...pretty cool to see. All around a great trip. The best parts of the day for me, (outside the rides), are the reasonably priced food, unlimited free drinks, and getting to meet Thrillerman and Michael, (don't think I got your screen name, if you have one Mike...sorry!) Later!

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