Strange Holiday World comment

Ahh, the things boredom at work lead to. . .

I came across this site that included the following statement:

"Unfortunately, Santa Claus Land diversified into "Holiday World." in the 1980s."

Ripple Rock Amusement Park
Flying Scooter coming soon!

kpjb's avatar
Well, you're talking about a site that has links to:

"Jar Man, the world's largest collection of Mason Jars"

"Assorted Big Things"

"Tree That Won't Die"

"World's Largest Ball Of Paint"

and my favorite:

"Dan Quayle Museum" (no doubt featuring the world's largest potatoe)

Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel!

Yeah, those are the reasons I was looking at that website!

Joe - who has visited the largest ball of twine, the monument to the first concrete pavement, the geographical center of North America, Cranberry World, the Tuppeware Museum and has driven past the Dan Quayle Museum and Ronald Reagan's birthplace (but did not stop)

Ripple Rock Amusement Park
Flying Scooter coming soon!

Hey, that "House of Bells" thing sounds pretty intriguing...

A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

WOW! Road trip to Lafayette. They have a carwash themed to a rainforest. Elephants actually hose your car down and I guess there are anamatronic monkeys snakes and other things in there as well. I think I'll get the Crocodile Wash. :)

(ok has this thread officially been hijacked yet? :) )


"You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"

kpjb's avatar
This thread doesn't need to be hijacked, it's odd enough on its own.

Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel!

A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

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