Storm Runner - Threat of Rain

I've read in various trip reports here at Coasterbuzz that Storm Runner at Hershey seems to shut down "at the first hint of rain". So when exactly weather-wise does it stop? I mean obviously for lightning, severe weather, hard rain...does it stop for drizzles and light misting? If so, why? Something to do with the launch system?

Reason I'm asking all this is because my girlfriend and I are probably going to take the 2.5 hour drive out to Hershey on Wednesday, and there's a chance of thunderstorms...which is why I was wondering all this, so I'd be prepared. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

well if its at the "first hint of rain", im gonna go ahead and venture a guess that it shuts down for drizzles. ;)
I'm thinking...what if it's approaching but not there yet? Is that considered "first hint of rain"?

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

It shuts down if its something more then drizzle. If its light rain, Don't count on it staying open. Ofcourse if there is lightning in the area or high winds.

I don't think there is a reason for the ride not running in the rain except that they are just taking after CP. The ride is more then capable of running in wet mode. I know it has problems engaging with the launch sled, A reset usually fixes that, But i think if it is in wet mode, it has a harder time getting into launch position and there is more room for error. Thats just a theory, most likely the reason why they keep it down. 70 mph is NOT that fast. *** Edited 8/9/2004 3:11:21 AM UTC by Big D***

I've been on Nitro in the rain before...80 mph...and it was hard rain I know how it feels to get pelted like that.

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

I been on MF while it was pouring, Worst water ride EVER! It was the ride from hell, And i was in the back. I don't know how the people in the front felt.

ApolloAndy's avatar
My understanding of TTD's temperment in the rain was the abundance of kicker wheels and their inability to work in the rain. Having actually thought about it though, that doesn't make too much sense given other Intamins' use of kickers in the rain...

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

TTD is very much capable of running in the rain, I was watching the cleveland cam in april when testing, It was tearing up the track doing atleast 130, There was opposing winds of about 30 MPH, Pouring rain, and still the train was whipping over the top like i never seen before. With TTD, The only problem is pain, They don't want people going through the pain of such a ride.

I'd go and ride that 1st thing in the morning. As long as its not raining they should open it at 10:30. That way if the thunderstorms come you already have the ride credit.

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