Stengel Website Competition

I was just visiting the Stengel website ( and saw this design competition, so I thought surely someone here might be interested. Here are the details copied straight from their current site:

"We want to invite all old and new friends to design us a new site. Of course you must spend a couple of hours (days?) making this happen and free of charge, but isn't it worth to be part of our team?

We would like to make this as a competition.
You send us your suggestions, we choose the best site and the winner will get an invitation to Munich (no air-/train fare)!!!!!
That means:
• 1 free night in a Munich hotel
• 1 dinner at an original Bavarian restaurant
• a visit to our office (1/2 day) in the presence of Mr. Stengel
• remarkable photos with the team
• Souvenirs

Shortly we will start posting the conditions and our ideas of content, size, etc. Questions? Please mail to:

Thank you.
Andreas Wild"

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Is this the "we have so many coaster enthusiasts out there, since we do need a new website, why don't we just have them create a cool website for us for nothing" competition?


All I hear is "for nothing". Didn´t you read that you will get a nice picture of you with the whole Team "High-fashion are us" Stengel (tm)?! Wouldn´t you like to see yourself amongst those legedary Coaster-Liberaces?!

See what I mean:
(scroll down page, see last picture)

I ´d guess they are in disguise to avoid all the briefs which are usually thrown at them from teenage boys.

You put those guys down, but yet they create (or atleast have something to do with) some of the best rides in the world. Scroll down their site and you can read they were involved with 70% of the top 50 steel coasters. I'd like to know who in the amusement industry even comes close to a mark like that.

I'd like to here what you've accomplished that gives you the right or authority to critize them...
I don´t put those engineers down! I know what they did for the coaster world.
Yet, I dare to make fun about their down-to-earth looks, which is a funny contrast to their bizarre status in the (especially) german, dutch and belgian coaster-fanboy scene. People use to stalk the little suburban house in the outskirts of Munich!

I just wonder if it is very smart to have your webiste designed by someone who is willing (or able) to do a professional web presentation for a dinner in Munich and a photo with "the guys".

Rest assured, you won´t "here" anything about my 18 years of accomplishement to the coaster world.

I was a teenage coaster designer... where are my briefs?

Come on, I wouldn't spend my time dreaming about coasters all day if I wouldn't in fact want to throw my own briefs at them from time to time!


(I hope everyone understands a little humor here).

The question is; Do they want a design, or a full website built for free?

A design is no real problem, I could have one of my guys do that in a day. But a full website? Come on, that costs more time, money, and resources then it would cost to fly to munich.

The only thing anyone might get out of this is recognition for a portfolio.

But then again, I guess if one was a Stengel worshipper...

Guess who's back? Back Again? James K's back. Tell a friend.

I'll only do it if Stengel agrees to design a giga-coster for nice-sized acreage behind my house...:)

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