Steel Dragon 2000!!!

Watch your local news tonight, or CNN. They have been previewing Steel Dragon all evening and let me tell you, all of you who bashed this ride will have to eat crow. This is the most AMAZING thing I have ever seen! The sky view makes it look like a giant 500ft monster has landed on earth. Please! Please! build one here!
I saw some footage on it on my local news at noon, they didn't show a lot of footage, just enough to tease us coaster enthusiasts.
Jephry's avatar
They have one here, its called Millennium Force. It may look good but don't go praising it or Bashing it until you ride it. Millennium Force was throught to be to short, but it ended up as number 1. This new one could be better or worse but don't judge until u ride.
I really don't get what your saying, I said it is the most AMAZING thing I have "seen", not ridden. It looks positively STUNNING! And we do NOT have a Steel Dragon 2000 here, MF is "completely" different. It makes about as much sense to lump all 300ft coasters together, as it does to say all 200ft hypers are just alike.
While Steel Dragon's greater height than MF (an additional 7 or 8 feet) won't differentiate it much from MF, the track layout (as shown on Morgan's website) looks like a real winner. Some tall speed elements, followed by a fine-looking series of turnaround elements, and then a bump run on the way home. I love MF, but it does lack a noteworthy turnaround and bump run. Simcoaster said it right the first time 'round.
Actually, I saw it, and I think MF is looks prettier! It isn't because I am a CP freak it is the truth. It's steeper, and the turnaround after the drop is perfect. I can't say which one is better though!!!!

Jephry's avatar
I like SD layout also, I want to ride it. Its in Japan though. I can only wonder, are Morgan Roller Coasters as smooth as Intimin. Anyone got an Answer
Soggy's avatar
I was wondering about the smoothness of a huge Morgan as well. I mean, what is currently the biggest Morgan coaster? Whatever it is, it is alot smaller than a 308 foot drop! I am not slaggin' the Dragon like some others, I just hope Morgan has a new wheel design to make it a smooth ride as well as a fast one. (not like I will ever ride it, lol)
Gotta ride 'em all!
I Believe the tallest Morgan had been the Steel Force at Dorney Park. Who's got the specs on it?
I think Steel Force is 200 ft tall and a 205 drop. It dives into a tunnel but isn't underground. I think thats the height

Parks hit for 2000!
Jeff's avatar
This is a pointless discussion until you've been on both rides. Since none of us have, and almost no one on this board ever will, I'm not sure a heated argument is necessary.

Webmaster/Admin -
I didn't notice anyone arguing Jeff... In my original post I mentioned nothing of MF. I really don't understand why every topic has to come back to MF. It's ONE coaster, there are hundreds more. To say that a coaster looks stunning is taking nothing away from our baby here. Why can't people get that?
Every topic comes back to MF because it's the closest thing (in height) as a coaster that we can compare to SD.
Who is to say one of us doesnt go to Japan and ride it???Any takers????Lets go!!
Anyway..there are some die hard coaster enthusiasts out there who will go anywhere and ride a coaster so who is to say someone on here doesnt jump a plane tomorrow and ride it???
I just saw the 20 second news clip. It looks like a HUGE version of Steel Force. I guess we'll all need to save up and but some plane tickets to Japan. I guess the next question is who's going to to it in 2001?

Parks hit for 2000!
Jephry's avatar
The reason Millennium Force come up when ever this roller coaster is mention it is because they are both Giga coasters. I only mention Millennium Force because of how people judge things by its looks and how looks can be wrong.
Well looks can be deceiving but it looks like the only thing great is the first doesnt start out as an 80 degree drop but it looks like it is 80 degrees half way down.My news stated it goes 112 mph.Looks like a simple out and back steel.Millennium Force has its overbanked turns which I liked and Steel Dragon doesnt.I'm also pissed that my news said Cedar Point was in CALIFORNIA..they should do a little more research on a story before airing it shouldnt they??
Jeff's avatar
Steel Dragon can't go 112 mph unless the earth's gravity increases. I'm not going to go in to the physics and calculations, but rest assured that it has been proven and calculated time and time again that Millennium Force can't go faster than 96, and that's in a vaccuum with no friction. At a seven-foot taller drop than MF, that means that Steel Dragon can go fractionally faster, but by fractionally I'm talking hundredths of feet per second faster.

I forget what the calculations were, but to break the 100 mph barrier, a roller coaster has to be significantly taller.

I bring this up because no matter how much people want to believe that MF or SD will ever break the 100 mph barrier, it's not possible. Ask Newton...

Webmaster/Admin -
Actually Jeff -

If you were in a vacuum with no friction you'd be floating (I think you meant air resistance) :)

Your point is correct however - physics will not allow SD or MF to reach 112, let alone 100mph.
Soggy's avatar
A coaster could easily hit 100+mph. Simply put a set of LIMs on the first drop. I know, I know, you were talking about gravity powered speed only, but LIMs could kick a train up to that speed slowly, not like a launch, and it would not be too noticable.

Gotta ride 'em all!

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