One for Arkansas, the roller coaster enthusiast capital of the world! ;)
Throw the first vote in for Mississippi as well.
What is life without ups and downs!?!?
How about we southern states team up? ;) It's the only way we'll even get on the board.
West Palm Beach,Florida in da house.
Belmont, North Carolina! We're gonna win it all with a total of 2 so far lol.
"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"
Colorado, 30 minutes from SFEG.
"Riding High"
Virginia, a mere 15 miles from Hypersonic baby!
Michigan :(.
I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, whom I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
Twinsburg OHIO about 5 mins. away from SFWoA!
Western Wisconsin, two hours from VF
Put me down for PA.
Thank you for riding America's Roller Coast
Milan Ohio, 13 Miles from CP!
I am from Maryland, how many other Marylanders are there out there?
What is life with out coasters, geniuses, and/or SFA
Indianapolis, home of Kombo, what a way for a zoo to replace the politically incorrect elephant ride!!
As heard on Amtrak 44: "If you look out the left side of the Train you will see the coasters of Cedar Point."
*** This post was edited by kneemeister on 4/22/2001. ***
Southeastern Wisconsin.
45 mins from Great Six Flags Great America
Closed topic.