Stark Raven Notes

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I thought about writing a full trip report for Stark Raven Mad, but plenty of other people have already posted excellent reports, so instead I'll just write some random musings.

Matt and I had left Indiana Beach on Friday morning, and drove down to Santa's Lodge. We actually stopped at the park first, to pick up our registration packets, then headed over to the lodge to check in. Scanning the materials, we noted that we could get in the park at 6pm. A quick nap, and we were off to meet LoriU and her husband Steve. We also met up with Vince (Wiredog) and Mrs Wiredog, and our friend Joe, which would constitute the "main" group for the ERT sessions. Among the other CoasterBuzz friends we encountered and hung out with were Jeremy (2Hostyl), CoastermanMike, and others, and we spotted and said hello to MANY other fine folk, including Sean Flaharty, Jeff, Natalie, Legendary, Jon Smith, John Peck, and so many more.

The auctions on Friday were entertaining. I made a bid of $350 for the Legend sign, but that was quickly eclipsed to the point where I decided it was too rich for me. I DID want it, though, and now I wish I'd bid higher ;)

Legend and Raven were certainly both proving their merit this weekend. I personally think that Legend is MUCH improved with the PTCs. Now, I was never a Gerstlauer HATER (and think they're perfectly fine on, say, Villain), but on a coaster as lateral-heavy as Legend, these well-padded PTCs definitely win. The two train operation certainly kicks much booty as well. Last year I thought Raven was clearly better than Legend. This is no longer the case -- I can no longer decide for certain which is better.

And then there's Raven. It's short, but oh so very sweet. After our stop at Indiana Beach, the airtime whore in me was thinking that Cornball Express was even better. By day, I think that's still true. But on a dark night, through the woods, Raven is just something special.

On Saturday, Matt and I chose to skip the water park (neither of us is a big fan of water slides), and go straight to the park at 10am. We did daytime laps on Legend and Raven, and some of the flatrides (including our third Tilt-a-whirl for the trip :) ) This was Matt's first trip to Holiday World, and he came away very impressed in spite of the crowds. The free soda certainly doesn't hurt (I discovered a GREAT concoction that works very well for me as a diabetic. The activity and energy levels at parks causes my blood sugar to drop, but not so much that I can drink a regular soda. However, if I take a Diet Pepsi and add a little bit of regular Sierra Mist, the result is a tasty lemony cola blend that maintains my glucose levels without spiking them. :) )

Around lunchtime we ended up hooking up with a crowd of RRC people that I'm friends with for a while (I don't believe any of them are active on CoasterBuzz yet). We would also see them at dinner, at which point I was given a yellow headband and briefly became part of "Team Yellow." I'm sure we were quite a sight, but unfortunately I lost track of the rest of them during the ERT. This actually leads me to my one "complaint" about events like SRM. There are SO many good people, it's impossible to spend time with them all. I kept joining and then losing track of subgroups all weekend, which left me feeling a bit bad -- I never mean to neglect or blow off anyone, but there were times it felt like I had. If anyone came away feeling like I'd done so, I apoligize now.

SRM is one of THE events to attend. If I could only attend one event a year, this one would certainly be on the short list.

Thanks to the wonderful people at Holiday World for putting on another wonderful Stark Raven Mad. I can't wait until the next one!

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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Funny... Last year I thought Legend blew Raven away, but now I'm torn between the two. Isn't it great to have such a dilemma?

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

*** This post was edited by chris on 6/4/2002. ***

Raven was definetly strutting all weekend and I hear all year so far, My TR was a little rough on legend but it was not due to the PTC's in any way, I just think the bearings need to be worn in.

Legend first year with the G train ran sluggish up untill mid july. Last year it was insane! Give it a chance, I am and I also have to say its still far from a lame coaster running slower.

Chuck, who says that Jeff has timed it faster than the G ever ran and I believe him.

Charles Nungester
Lesourdsville Lake, The great American amusement park opens the season June 6th Thurs-Sun every week. Park phone is (513)539-2193

GregLeg said:

This actually leads me to my one "complaint" about events like SRM. There are SO many good people, it's impossible to spend time with them all. I kept joining and then losing track of subgroups all weekend, which left me feeling a bit bad -- I never mean to neglect or blow off anyone, but there were times it felt like I had. If anyone came away feeling like I'd done so, I apoligize now.


I can fully relate. There were so many people there that I had not seen in a year or so, I was trying to hang out with as many people as possible given the time. I know of a few people that I wanted to hang out with but never got the chance to.

Part of what makes that park so great is the people and friends. Heck, even Mick Foley ended up just hanging out with us a bit. He admitted to me that he wasn't sure what to expect with a event like this but enjoyed everyone and said he would be back. Can you blame him

-Sean (who would sometime love to share the footage of Mick's first back seat ride on Raven) Flaharty

Yeah, I saw Mick on Sunday morning. We were both checking out at the Santa's Lodge at the same time. I asked him if he'd had a good time, and he had a HUGE grin on his face as he said "Yeah, it was really great to be able to hang out at the park like a normal person. Well, as normal as these enthusiast people can be, I guess..."

Very cool, funny, and true. I'm sure it was nice for him to be able to just hang out in line and chat with people.

--Greg, who'd been sitting on the knowledge that he'd be there for weeks, and it was killing him...

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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beast7369's avatar


I am glad to know you did not spill the beans. If you read my trip report you will know I had NO idea Mick Foley would be there. We even missed the opening ceremonies on Friday so I was ecstatic when we did encounter him on Saturday. Also I am glad you had a wonderful time. Definitely Holiday World is a place that whisks one away into another world of sorts. Meeting Mick Foley was just one highlight along the way.


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It actually wasn't that difficult to figure it out. There were plenty of clever hints around, I just had the nerve to ASK about them :)

As for not spilling the beans, well, if I'd told, I wouldn't be trusted with such secrets again in the future, would I? ;)

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 6/5/2002. ***

Some of us on a coaster email list (that Greg and 2hostyl also happen to be members of) knew about Mick a bit in advance to, but it was a lot of fun seeing him there. And it didn't look like he got hounded to much when we was walking around (though there were a few that we saw).

It was great to see you out there Greg, though I'm not sure if you recognized me or not. Nametags were very helpful though.

Oh, and as scary as some of the sights were in the waterpark Saturday morning, the rides on Zoombabwe more than made up for them. That was one great, fun, waterslide!


Willow? Yes, my name is Willow. Would you stop pecking on me on this big droooopppppppppp......

Nice TR Greg! It was cool to see ya again and talk a little bit here and there with ya. I know exactly what you mean when you say there are so many cool people at an event such as SRM and you want to catch a ride or chat with everyone. In fact this was even seen when "team yellow" somehow got split up for part of the second evening. I was so confused and didn't know what to do? Where's the chemistry? Come on guys? :-) Regardless, it's a great problem to have and it only happens when there are so many cool people to meet on this message board and on RRC. Until next time...

-Jon Smith
"See ya in the back!"

The wrestler, heh, I was all "who the heck is that?" and was somewhat alarmed to notice how many enthusiasts were into WWF. Frightening.
FP- Right there with you. My friend Tom and I had no idea who he was, either. We thought maybe he was either from TV or part of some pop group. When Paula mentioned the WWF, we realized why we had no idea who he was. He was in line by us later in the evening, and seemed like a really cool, down-to-earth guy.

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know who "Mick Foley" was.....I watch *real* sports... he seemed like a nice guy anyway.
So many coasters, so little vacation time....

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