Stark Raven Mad 2001 announced

Posted | Contributed by DEK

The following is a reprint (by permission)...

Thanks to everyone who emailed their thoughts about when we should hold Stark RAVEN Mad in 2001. As always, you folks came through for us.

Although I must admit, it didn’t help a bit! There were lots of good reasons to hold it in early May as well as late June. (However, I do now know to stay away from Derby weekend and also the ACE Coaster Con weekend.)

Actually the final decision was made by the fearless leader of an as-yet-unnamed enthusiast group—who wants to hold an event here in June. More on that later.

So… Stark RAVEN Mad 2001 will be held on Friday, May 11. (That’s Mother’s Day weekend, so be sure to bring me an iron or toaster oven. One for Pat Koch, too.)

The ERT will be from shortly after 5 pm until midnight and will of course be held concurrently on both The Raven and The Legend. (We will halt the ERT briefly for a healthy and nutritious meal, as always. And we won’t forget the creamsicle fudge this time. My, my how you concerned you get about your fudge!)

The schedule will include the Friday night ERT plus a full-day at Holiday World on Saturday, May 12. We’ll also have a photo walkback. Oh, and free drinks.

…and a bunch of new track work on The Raven (*NOT* re-profiling!). We’re setting Jeff-the-maintenance-guy-who-used-to-be-a-CCI-tracker loose on The Raven this winter. (He’s been drooling about it for weeks, it’s really disgusting.) And The Legend will have new, wider-and-padded lapbars.

The infamous Dave Johnson will be whipping up another clever flyer, which will be available through a blind link on our website. Probably in a month or so (right, Dave?).

In case you’re already working out your ’01 budget, the cost for pre-registration is $19.95. The SRM shirts will be an additional $12.

Thanks again to everyone who came to see us this summer—and all the emails and letters. They really mean a lot!

Paula Werne Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

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OOOHHHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I have planned to be in Florida by then, but who knows......I was so overwhelmed with the Koch's outstanding hospitality and wonderful park (and fudge!) that I just may make a special trip! The Legend itself is worth the time and money to go! Not to mention that crazy black bird! Boy it will be a long winter of waiting........maybe, just MAYBE a few trips on Rock-n-Roller Coaster will tide me over!

First rule of Stormtroopers: Pee BEFORE you put on the uniform!
does it seem to anyone else that it is a little unfair that u have to be part of a coaster club to go to SRM?? I love holiday world about as much as anyone on earth, and without a doubt just as much, if not more than your average club member, so shouldn't us non-members who still love coasters be just as open to the event as members??
I know that if the event where open to the public in general it would lose its luster, but there surely must be something that HW management can do.
It's not unfair... it's just the way it is. If there were no perks for being a member of an enthusiasts group, there wouldn't be any groups! You can't shop at Sam's Club without a member- ship, you can't get AARP motel rates unless you belong to the AARP, and you can't get coaster clubs' benefits if you're not a coaster club member. Join one. (Or go the way of the masses.)
(And by the way, at a park like Holiday World, you can have a GREAT time and get a million rides even if you can't swing a coaster club member-ship.) Whichever way you choose to go, enjoy those two great HW coasters!)

Ride 'em all... and again if you like!
I believe HW allows you in if you are with a member of a club. So, if you team up with someone, you won't need to join.

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious." - Brendan Gill
Like AAA says, "Membership makes the Difference!"

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