adds South Carolina State Fair photos

Posted | Contributed by StarCoasters has added photos highlighting the South Carolina State Fair, with a midway provided by Conklin Shows and Cumberland Valley Shows. The fair has 2 large coasters, a Schwarzkopf Doppel Looping, and a Schwarzkopf Wildcat.

I like the looks of that Schwarzkopf . Wouldn't it be nice if a small park picked it up for good?
john peck's avatar
WOW! You guys got a Top Star Tour, a Log Flume, A Top Spin, a Scorpion and an Afterburner! Who does that midway?

Did you notice that there where TWO Giant wheels?

Conklin has the contract and some other operators are booked in to fill out what Conklin does not have.


Jeff's avatar

That's the same Schwarzkopf model as Dorney's Laser, right? I'd love to have one of those in my back yard.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

john peck's avatar
I assume that Coklin books in a few of those rides... Perhaps that log flume. Very "few" shows actually own rides like that. I even wonder if they own that Dopple Looping.

Amusements of America, for instance, owned a decent portion of their midway, but booked in two or three flats and a Looping Star.

This year, the famous Re-Mix ride (which sent two people flying off it) was booked in by Wood Ent. of Texas.

I would love for them to book in a Log Flume.

That is the same model as Laser. What fun that one is, I just love all Schwarzkopf's rides. I hated when we lost Viper at SFoG but at least we still have Mindbender which is one of my favorites.

Conklin does indeed own the Doppel Looping, and they have some information on it at their website ( I believe). They own a Galaxi as well, but did not bring it, and I'm assuming that was due to space restraints. Conklin definitely appears to have one of the best ride selections of any travelling group out there, and that's why when I decided to go to a fair this year I picked SC as opposed to the other large fairs around me. Doppel Looping REALLY surprised me, although I guess what else should I expect from a Schwarzkopf? I haven't seen many fairs with a better selection of rides than SC's with the exception of the large fairs in Texas.

Jonathan Hawkins
"There is a cluster of bees at the top of the lift. Sorry for the inconvenience."

John- according to an Amusement Business article from 1997 Conklin bought a Reverchon flume that year, so I am assuming the one at SC was thiers.

Jonathon- Great pictures of the fair! One quick correction, my information shows that the G-Force was sold to the carnival before Soriani & Moser parted ways, so it was manufactured by them, not Zamperla. Conklin does have one of the largest varieties of ride line-ups in North America and for the size of thier show the equipment looks pretty good, especially considering that this is the end of the season.


Thanks for the correction and glad you enjoyed the pics!

Jonathan Hawkins
"There is a cluster of bees at the top of the lift. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Every fair/park should have an Afterburner (congratulations PGA. Yes, I'm aware Chance has their name on it, but KMG makes it). I unfortunately didn't get to ride it this year at The York Fair like last year. I didn't feel like making an hour-an-a-half drive only to be in a storm (which did materialize.)
If you want expensive rides, you're going to pay for them, in one way or another.

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