SRM Day 2

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First things first. It was nice to finally meet some of you at SRM. Umm... lets see if I can remember everyone. ArrowGuy, The Beast, StarCoasters, and Coaster Bill, we met all of you at the cook out, remember? I was the tall goofy guy with the nice looking wife! Hi! to you all.

As far as a trip report goes, I'll try to make it short because I know that in the up coming hours you will see a million reports!

I would like to thank the fine folks at Holiday World for an amazing time! The food was delicious! Man, we were both so stuffed, we were afraid we might hurl on the coasters!

The staff was as friendly as always. Thanks for keeping our dog in your kennel so late, he was the last dog out at 11:30!

Now for the rides!
What can I say that hasn't been said a billion times already? I know that when I die, in heaven there will be a Legend for me to ride at night! Over and over and over! That's how strongly I feel about that ride. Oh, and by the way, that new headchopper created by the Zoombabwe.....OH WOW, that thing got me three times before I started to anticipate it!

The Raven was running superb as always. Airtime was plentiful! I thought it was cool that Pat Koch was checking lap bars! We talked to her for a few minutes while waiting. She is a real class act.

Again, we had a great time. If you are reading this and have never been to Holiday World, do you coaster loving butt a favor and get there! You won't regret it!

So many coasters, so little vacation time....

the raven is simply amazing... i just stand amazed at the ride. it goes to prove that some of the most physical and airtime filled coasters are not the largest. an amazing ride!

seek first to understand
then to be understood

Well said my friend! I'll take those two woodies over most others. Two quality rides right there.

So many coasters, so little vacation time....

I remember "tall and goofy" for sure.......LOL! Yes it was great to meet you guys. Glad you could make it, and that you also anticipate a great CCI in the next life! :)
Brad Sherman
Soon park benches will have seatbelts!
Model coasters and rides

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