Springtime in the Park Extended

I didn't make it up to Great Bear on my visit. I didn't pay close enough attention, but judging by the length of the line the Wildcat was down the ramp and almost into the overflow queue. I think they were only running 1 train then too. That's why Lightning Racer didn't have a line. Both trains were running for both sides. I have never seen them do that for a Springtime In The Park.

Due to Family obligations I couldn't make it Sunday, but I would have much rather been there then.

DaveStroem's avatar

We got an epic night ride on Fahrenheit Saturday. It was so good that I had to buy a t-shirt.

Before you can be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid.

Carrie M. said:
I went over after church yesterday and got my pass processed. It was so empty I decided to go in and marathon my favorite coasters for a couple of hours. I don't get to see Storm Runner that light on crowds very often so I took advantage. I left at 12:30 and it looked like the parking lot was filling up.

I hope you didn't lose your Easter bonnet during the launch. :)

Carrie M.'s avatar

"Now get ready.... here we hop!" :)

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

Wildcat was running two trains later in the day and went from a 25 minute wait at 11am to a 5 minute wait. I'm guessing the wait was around 30-40 minutes by the time the second train was put on.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

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