Spellchecker... USE IT!

Jeff's avatar
Long time members know how I feel about spelling and grammar. I absolutely can't stand to see the way some people butcher the English language.

Since the worst offenders are apparently too lazy to break out a dictionary, I have integrated the services of Spellchecker.net into the forum. That means instead of clicking that little submit button, you should click the spell check button instead. Through the miracle of Internet technology, a window will pop up and catch all of your mistakes. Heck, you can even click the grammar or thesaurus tabs and make use of those.

Some people have asked where their posts go, and I flat out tell them I delete them. Lack of spelling, grammar, capitalization and spaces drives me absolutely crazy. As I've said before, I refuse to let the most incredible communication medium in history be reduced to what a member recently called the "CB of the 90's."

Now you don't have an excuse! ;)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com *** This post was edited by Jeff on 12/1/2000. ***
Smooth move Jeff...:)


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
Jeff's avatar
You caught me in the process of testing an intentional error, only I skipped over the grammar test. That'll teach me.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I think that's the first post you've deleted for PROPER grammar.


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
Jeff's avatar
Not true... some troll posts have been nothing short of exquisite. ;)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Oh surely I never ramble in any of my posts...RIIIIGHHT ;)


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
This is really funny...

But, maybe the Supreme Court ;) will rule that Bukweet can preserve his dignity by the occasional use of: Kan, iz.

bukweet FL
I bet there will still be lots of errors. I think this may be the first forums to actually use a spellcheck (at least the first I've seen).

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer

AOL & MSN IM Name: coasterpunk
Ezboards have spell checkers, also from spellchecker.net

Today's not my day for grammar and spelling! :) I have changed most of the words in my post so they would be spelled correctly.

Ride: Roller Coaster
I know its a roller coaster...what's the real name? *** This post was edited by coaster0 on 12/1/2000. ***
john peck's avatar
Thanks for making that info available to all. I know how you feel!

"Women are perfect" - Joe Peschi ("With Honors" )
Jeff's avatar
UBB has it built into their distribution. It only requires that you sign-up with SpellChecker.net. You can bet the next release of POP Forums will include it as well!

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Thanks for the spell checker Jeff, sometimes I don't know how to spell words and I don't know what to do. If I should not make the post or make a buffon of myself. But now I have a perpetual solution to my problem.

What is life without geniuses?
But I thought you were a genius? LOL.


Buffon? Good one, Coastergenius!!
Ride 'em all... and then again!
It doesn't occur very often but when it does its terrible. I can't talk with misspelt words. Now I can talk without worry that I'll have a misspelt word.

What is life without geniuses?
Yu Meen yoou kan't stund spelleng errurs?

Mantis wishes it could be like it
I guess its not that capacious of a deal, but its prosperous to have the spell checker dexterous.

What is life without geniuses?
coastergenius, in attempting to sound intelligent, you just made yourself sound like a little kid who just got ahold of daddy's thesaurus. Hopefully this was the intended effect. It's cute when a 7 year old does it..

Oh yeah, and if you're going to advertise intelligence you might want to use the proper "it's" in your sentences.

Sorry, Jeff, I don't know what's come over me today. I'm in a very antagonistic mood.

CP Ride Operations '99-'00
For your Information I know the precise meaning of all of the words. I just never bore the "genius" part of the name until now. I expect to conduct my intellect in my conversations from now on.
What is life without geniuses? *** This post was edited by coastergenius on 12/2/2000. ***

Closed topic.

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