Speed mods

This is an ongoing argument within the DDR community: Is using the speed mods "cheating," or can you legitimately say you passed a song if you used a speed mod?

In case you don't know, you can use speed mods to speed up the scrolling of the arrows. This actually makes many songs easier, especially the slowest ones, because the arrows spread out more and the rhythms become more defined.

My opinion is that it's a cheap way to pass a song if you're just going to brag about it. However, if you're just practicing so eventually you can pass the song without speed mods, go for it.

This is how I learned to pass Orion .78 (Amuero Mix) and Stoic, and I hope to finally pass Burning Heat! the same way. I will not, however, take credit for passing Bag, because even though I can do it with a B, I always use the x3 speed mod. Anything less and I fail it.

I've seen people who use x1.5 for every single song. They're addicted to it, and they suck without it. I'd rather not get to that point.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I'm not that sorry to say that I use speed mods. I use 1.5x on everything and use 2x on all the slow songs, and some hard songs(Burning Heat!). Well because I started on a Max2 machine they have always been there for me, for some of the people who have been playing for a longer time probaly got used to songs w/o any mods at all. I also use like a lot other people solo and when I'm playing with someone else I put on dark. I don't know where people do it where you are Den, but its been a long time since I've seen anyone here play with out any speed mods. I really don't think its cheating. If its there then why not use it.


You are right, most of the people I see playing use x1.5 on every song, and many of them use solo, too.

I just would rather play the song without any mods... it annoys me to flip through that options screen every single time. And I'd rather play the song as it was intended to be played.

The only mod I ever use, aside from what I noted above, is boost, only because it looks cool. :)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I don't post often in here because I don't know what I'm talking about, but I enjoy playing DDR when I goto parks. So, what is a speed mod? From reading, I take it means, speeding up a song, but wouldn't that make the song harder? Also, are these on the Arcade Versions or only on Console version? How do you use them? What machines?

Just curiousity.

OoOoOo....Boulder Dash *Drools Excessively*
"That helix turns me on" - Nightride at CoasterCon

A speed mod is just speeding up the arrows, though the song doesn't go any faster. This makes most songs under 200 bpm easier because the arrows spread out more, and you can read them easier.

You can do it on DDRMAX at home if you hold the O button down after you select a song. That's how you do it in the arcade, too.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I wouldn't say it makes songs under 200 bpm easier...I'd say it makes songs under about 150 bpm easier...
Well, it sure made Burning Heat! easier for me, and I believe that song is 168bpm or something.

Besides, who do you think you are... not posting for like 6 months and then contradicting me out of nowhere?? ;)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

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