Souuthern California Trip...

Good afternoon.

My wife an I are planning a trip out to SOuthern California in March, and we're trying to figure out exactly what our plans are. We're planning on going to Winter Coaster Solace, which brings me to my first question. Those of you who have been there before, what is the general schedule of events? Is it similar to a Coastermania, with a 6:00 am arrival and a late, late night afterwards? I haven't seen anything online (or at least havn't found the magic link).

Going beyond that, we planning on hitting Magic Mountain the following day on Sunday. Other parks we're trying to get to are, of course, Disneyland and and California Adventure. We're probably going to take a day and go down to San Diego and go to Sea World plus pick up the Giant Dipper while we are there, as well as a trip to San Diego Zoo. That being said, have I missed anything of significance in terms of big coasters? I think I will hit all the wood that is a relativly drivable distance (unless my guides are missing something new, which I don't think they are...).

Be sure to check out the mini-museum at Belmont, it was cool to see the history of the Giant Dipper :)

Mamoosh's avatar
Walt S - there is an event at SFMM Sunday morning of Solace weekend. Info is available here.

As for Solace event schedule, typically they have two ERT sessions on Saturday: 8a-10a and 10p-mid. The morning sessions are usually Boomerang, Monty, Jaguar, Timberline Twister, and one of the other major coasters; the evening session has traditionally been Ghostrider. And of course there is lunch Sat as well.

FYI, if you take advantage of the Radission "Coaster Enthusiast" deal you get an additional night of ERT [Friday, Silver Bullet] and dinner.

And as long as you are at Knott's, you must go down the street to Adventure City for the mouse coaster. Scandia is also a short drive fron Knott's and the Screamer is well worth it.

Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground, silly monkeys give them thumbs they forge a blade and weapons by the pound to divide it, right in two - Tool
6am Check in

7-10am - Mont - Jaguar - Bommerang

8-10am Xcellerator - Supreme Scream - Timberline Twister

1-3pm Chicken Lunch

10pm- Midnight Ghostrider - Silverbullet

Hope that helps and hope I got the facts right :) *** Edited 2/4/2005 5:10:41 AM UTC by Iggy ACE***

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Thanks everyone for the info, especially Mamoosh regarding SFMM event. I'm looking forward to a good escape from the snow of Michigan for warm, sunny CA.
Mamoosh's avatar
My pleasure, Walt ;-)

A buddy and I were planning a very similar trip. We had to cancel ours do to lack of funds.

Ironically, we are both from Livonia as well. Perhaps we know each other somehow...

James K

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