Southern Maryland Firemen's Carnivals

I lived in Leonardtown, MD in the 70's through late 80's. I recently sent an update to RCDB indicating a former installation of a Herschell Little Dipper on the grounds of the Leonardtown MD Fireman's Carnival. The coaster was only operated 2 weeks out of the year. It was removed in the early 90's. Similar carnivals were also operated in Mechanicsville and Hollywood, MD. Is anyone else familiar with this area and these operations?

FYI, This is some additional info I sent to RCDB:

This is what I recall:

20 (or so) horse carousel
Standard Eli Wheel
Herschell Little Dipper (I am quite sure with the pre-1955 rolling stock) see:

A small selection of flats:
Motorcycle and firetruck (circle)
A kiddie whip
There may have been 1 or 2 more

An interesting note on some of the larger rides: The Wheel, Octopus and Carousel were powered (until the last time I visited in the late 80's) with 4 cylinder gasoline engines mounted on 4 iron spoke wheels. Power was provided to the ride mechanism via large leather belts. These units appeared to be pre-World War II.

For the 50 weeks out of the year that the park did not operate, all rides were dismantled down to their central hubs / axles or support frame in the case of the Eli Wheel.

I use to live in Calvert County and remember seeing that sitting along side the road, never really operating but just sitting there. Never made since to me.

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