Sorry Pepsi Fans but Coke Real will be at SFA

I don't like Coke products, unless it's Mellow Yellow or cold Vanilla Coke, which I am partial to. Other than that, I love Pepsi.

It's still me, here from the beginning back in 1999. Add 1500+ posts to the number I have in the info section if you care about such things.

Mellow yellow is a cheap substitute for Mountain Dew and is nowhere near as good. Anyone who attended Beastbuzz last year may have seen Mellow Yellow during the day. Due to amount of Mountain Dew consumption by the picnic grove employees everyday, the food service manager in charge of special events catering/company picnic grove opted to have Mellow Yellow installed through out the picnic grove to make it easier for us to get a beverage with out running out. (Mellow Yellow is not offered anywhere else in the park and is exclusive to private catered events)

Even though the Mellow Yellow was available I still chose to import Mountain Dew all summer long.
Chris Tyson

GhostriderCCI said:
Crystal Pepsi please ;)

do they still make that stuff? i havent seen it in years.

Albany Entertainment
Great Escape Online Guide Coming Soon!

Homer: Now what do you have to wash that awful taste out of my mouth?
Vendor: Mountain Dew or crab juice.
Homer: Blecch! Ew! Sheesh! I'll take a crab juice...

... exactly my thoughts....

... although i do want my pepsi.... :(

To answer CalvinJ23's question. Pepsi quit making crystal clear pepsi a long time ago.
I've always been a pepsi fan, and I think always will be. I just don't like the taste of coke at all, and plus some chemical reasons, like too much of this and that. Ghostrider, I so agree...BRING BACK CRYSTAL PEPSI! However I am a diehard Mountain Dew fan, so when I'm at a Coke park, it's kind of dissapointing for me, untill I ride the rides and just drink some water instead.

AkA somewhatchewy
"Evil will always triumph over good, because good is dumb." --Dark Helmet, Space Balls

Cedar Point's free refils on Mountain Dew. I think I use about every bathroom when I'm there.

Chris Tyson

the word "rea" is on the can, but it is in small print. look for it and u will see it.

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

Midwest great american - thats what i thought, but wasnt sure. i know awhile back people were selling unopened cans and 2 liters of the stuff for like $50 lol im not sure if anyone still is but they used to.

Albany Entertainment
Great Escape Online Guide Coming Soon!

It all tastes the same to me. :)
I liked Coke Unreal better.
Coke is by far the superior product. I wish that Coke would just end the battle, and buy Pepsi. ;)
Yeah, I too miss Crystal Pepsi. It was really the only Pepsi product that I liked, aside from Mt. Dew. And I have noticed at Knotts they have switched to Pepsi, but sadly I didnt see The Dew on tap :( Hopefully they are still switching over.

"And none may dare entreat further, for to invoke death is to utter the final prayer."

rollergator's avatar
PT300, that is more than just comedy, there's some *science* behind that as well. I'll never forget in marketig class the actual "blindfold tests" where students who claimed they KNEW the difference between beverages were put to the test. Almost without fail, they couldn't tell one thing from the other. The ONLY one that seemed to stand out *at all* to a blindfolded consumer was root beer. Virtually all other soda products were deemed indistinguishable, or were misidentified...

All that being said, I still drink plain Diet Coke first if given all options...:)

I wish they sold Mello Yello here in the northern-more states like New York. Mello Yello is my favorite pop and I got it yesterday at the movies. Thats the only place that sells it up here.

"Le grill? What the hell does that mean?"- Homer Simpson

kpjb's avatar
Yeah, Coke's keepin' it real... real bad! (apologies to CR.)

Geauga Lake used to have fountain Crystal Pepsi at the stand right in front of Texas Twister. That was the only place I ever saw it on tap.

I've said it time and time over... Coke can't compete with Pepsi's variety. Coke has tried time and time again to get Mountain Dew right. (Surge, Mello Yello, Citra) they failed every time. They even tried to make their flagship drink in to Pepsi. Coke has no equivalent to Pepsi Blue, Code Red, Pepsi One (the only diet drink that doesn't taste like one) not to mention all of the Fruit Works drinks.

Thank you Cedar Fair, Busch, Kennywood, & Knoebel's.

If you could just see the beauty... these things I could never describe. Pleasures and wayward distraction; is this my wonderful prize? --Joy Division

i dont care about drinking coke i just want to see those coke cool zones.

§†420FT Thrills? make u puke?†§

Last year SFEG had a Pepsi Cool Zone and on the wall was a big mural of Denver landmarks with Pepsi product logos all over. Anyways, one of the landmarks happened to be the tower at Lakeside. I'll be mourning the loss of Pepsi at Elitch's this year. At least Pepsi is still the pop of CU Boulder.

Goblins and furies, old friends and new, blow on a horn so we’ll know that it’s you.

I love Vanilla Coke!

I took the "Pepsi challenge" (in my own home), and Pepsi won me over. Pepsi Blue sucks. Vanilla coke is good from the first to the last drop. I can't believe it's on tap anywhere, I was suprised when they canned it. I still think it's best in a bottle.
Happy Birthday to me.... (and Coasterbuzz) Happy Birthday To me.... (and Coasterbuzz) Happy Birthday Swimmerkev.... (and Coasterbuzz) Happy Birthday to me.... And Coasterbuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Coasterville Dave said:
I don't see the phrase "Coke Real" or even the word "Real" on this can

Just saw a commercial for coke and at the end they poped up a full screen logo saying "Coca-cola Real". So it is their new thing.

Chris Tyson

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