Song in Six Flags Holland segment of RAECO '02

Does anyone know what song is used in the background of the Six Flags Holland segment of the Robb Alvey's European Coaster Oddessy 2002 DVD? To clarify; the DVD I'm referring to is not the footage one - it's the other one.

It's a techno song that sounds like it could be out of DDR. The only lyric I was able to catch is in the middle of the song (there is a small rap segment in English), which sounds like it says "...crush you. Analyzing my (brand/brain?)..."

Does anyone know what this song is?

Mamoosh's avatar
Have you thought of emailing Robb and asking him personally? He posts a lot on and he should be easy to contact ;)

Edit - I went to WestCoaster and sent Robb a private message regarding this thread. Hopefully he'll come here an answer you.


*** Edited 10/28/2004 10:53:08 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

Some Google search results return a candidate, but unfortunately the link is broken. Check out result 2:

[edit: the google cache still works, though! Check out track 4.

The song is called "BA KKWO" and is found in at least one DDR mix: Korean 3rd mix, version 2.

Check out the DDR freak page. See? Google is your friend! ]

*** Edited 10/29/2004 9:09:46 AM UTC by Michael Darling***

Thanks, John and Moosh; this looks exactly like the song in question. I tried searching Google, but must have totally missed that site.

Man, that DDRFreak site is pretty nice... I'll have to keep it in mind.

Thanks again!

-Mike (ChamusTor)

Mamoosh's avatar
I didn't really do anything, but yer welcome ;)

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