It's a techno song that sounds like it could be out of DDR. The only lyric I was able to catch is in the middle of the song (there is a small rap segment in English), which sounds like it says "...crush you. Analyzing my (brand/brain?)..."
Does anyone know what this song is?
Edit - I went to WestCoaster and sent Robb a private message regarding this thread. Hopefully he'll come here an answer you.
*** Edited 10/28/2004 10:53:08 PM UTC by Mamoosh***
[edit: the google cache still works, though! Check out track 4.
The song is called "BA KKWO" and is found in at least one DDR mix: Korean 3rd mix, version 2.
Check out the DDR freak page. See? Google is your friend! ]
*** Edited 10/29/2004 9:09:46 AM UTC by Michael Darling***
Man, that DDRFreak site is pretty nice... I'll have to keep it in mind.
Thanks again!
-Mike (ChamusTor)
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