Son of Beast Restraints

I just got to thinking:
What are Son of Beast's restraints like? It just wouldn't be a real wooden coaster with horsecollar vests. I should think a normal lap bar and seatbelt would still be able to hold you in, right?

Six Flags Darien Lake Online
The restraints are a u shaped lapbar with a little extra padding on the top....and that's it. no seatbelts, no horsecollars, just the lapbar.
All you need is a lapbar.Even though it goes through a loop..Hershey's Sooperdooperlooper
only has a lapbar also.

Not even a seatbelt???? Kinda like B&M hypers I guess.
Really, you feel more than secure. I think I had my bar down too far. But it is mor than enough to hold you in. I'm hoping that SOB success will lead to a few more hyper-loopers (not necessarily wood) w/o shoulder harnesses (maybe only a few inversions)
Soggy's avatar
Amen, 2Hostyl, Amen!

Gotta ride 'em all!
I dont think you need seatbelts on coasters.I always undo mine after leaving the station(shhhhhh).The lapbars are sufficient (sp)enough.
YEA RIGHT theres no way you could. Stop lying.

Why couldn't you son of beast? I've always thought about that, thinking that sooner or later some little kid would do that and all hell would break loose. You cant undo the lapbar, but the seatbelt can be undone at any time
Soggy's avatar
I am not sure about SOB, but some coasters you can unbuckle the belt, some are nearly impossible.
Side note, I welcomed the seat belt on Shivering Timbers' back seat. The ejector air after the turnaround is quite violent!

Gotta ride 'em all!
Laser (or Lazer - not sure of the current spelling) at Dorney Park is another steel looper without horsecollars. Is this a Scwartzkopf (sp?) thing? In theory, you should be able to stay in the car through a loop without any restraint
There is NOTHING stopping you from undoing your seatbelt.The lapbar is locked into place so theres no way around that and who would anyways?But Ive been on more than enough coasters where there isnt any seatbelts so why shouldnt I be able to keep riding without one??As long as the lapbar holds you in..who cares!I dont.try it sometime..youll love the air time..stick to what you know arent the one who has to claim my dead husband does!
I don't see how an unbuckled seat belt would provide any additional airtime on a coaster that already has a lapbar. it sounds rather pointless to me, seems like the loose buckle flying around would cause some pains anyway... ...then again, I like to do what the ride ops tell me to do, so I wouldn't know.
Coastermonster, this is just a wild guess, but from the info I've read on GTTP about going seatbelt-less, are you gillian0027?
All expect one Schwarzkopf only have lapbar restraints. This is because Schwarzkopf coasters only have one type of inversions, Loops. If they would put a corkscrew on their coasters they would need the overhead restraints.
sorry my bad i thought you were talking about the lap bar or any kind of restraint.

Well..the seatbelt doesnt fly sit on it.
And to get the little extra airtime you dont pull your lapbar down all the way.I started doing this when I began my coaster enthusiast tours three years ago.I watched this older gentleman pull down his lapbar to about two-three inches above his lap and unbuckle his seatbelt.I thought he was nuts and I thought his family would have to look for him beneath the tracks.But hes still kicking and he introduced me to a new way of experiencing wooden coasters.Pretty cool...
Jeff's avatar
People who ride without seat belts or otherwise disregard the safety rules are morons. I don't want you riding to me as you could become a threat to other people's safety as well. Riding sans seat belt doesn't provide any more air time because the lap bar is the real stopping force. People who do stupid things like this are the reason people are crying for federal regulation (see news section).

Safety is no accident.

Webmaster/Admin -
Furthermore, Coastermonster, if you choose to violate the rules (and take a safety risk)and that presented only a danger to yourself, no one would be as concerned. However, in the unlikely event the bar failed and you did fly out, you could injure others. In any event, it's true that we won't be the ones to claim your dead body, but we will be the ones inconvenienced by the fact that they would shut the ride down and cause a lot of bad press concerning the safety of roller coasters. Of course, maybe you don't really ride without seatbelts, but merely project that impression to create an interesting discussion. I respond here on the off chance that you really are, as Jeff put it, a moron.
son of beast restraints- just a pile of contorted crap like the ride. they were very uncomfortable. its hard to explain them online.
48.6mi. - CP
27.2mi. - SFO
3 MF rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2

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