Something Special

Is there some special thing about a coaster experience that you really love (Other than actually the coaster itself)?
An example of what I mean, is for me I love sitting next to someone who has never ridden the coaster (or possibly any coaster), and seeing how nervous they are,(they usually say something like "is this really scary?") and then looking over at them during the ride and seeing them lauging uncontrollably! Thats one of my favorite things, mainly because I remember the feeling!

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
My first experiences with solo park going taught me one thing, it's not actually the coasters that I like. Moreso, it is the fun associated with the rides than the rides themselves. It's great to be with my mom, dad, sis, bro, and friends, whoopin' hollain', and acting a general fool. But I think the best thing is when my dad rides with someone new for the first time (e.g. a cousin, a signifcant other of one of us kids, etc.), especially if they are a little timid. Anyway, he has this *somewhat annoying* way of talking thru the whole ride. It starts out with him trying to calm them down, saying everything's cool. Then, near the top of the lift, he 'Hulks out' and starts acting scared, blaming the person next to him for taking him on "this stupid thing". It's really hillarious to watch (note, I used to hate when he would do this to me in my pre-enthusiast days). Anyway, that's what I like about coasters, the weird side they bring out of people, as they totally get immersed into the ride.
On Corkscrew at Cedar Point this year, I rode with this kid who hadn't been upside down before. I told him it wasn't that bad and all that other stuff, and when we got through the loop, he was just laughing away. That really moved me. Hopefully, another enthusiast in the making.

"The KKK took my baby away, took her away, away from me!" *** This post was edited by APForce on 2/20/2001. ***
When I was on Corkscrew @ CP there was a 19 or 20 year old girl that was crying her head off because she didn't want to go, yet she refused to leave the train.
I really like that "total fear" I experience in the station on new-to-me types of rides like the Raging Bull and B:TR (my 1st inverted). When I'm in the seat and I know there's no way off but to ride (I'd be too embarassed to ever think of getting off at that point) -- that's great. Of course it's no fun at first but I think the buildup makes the ride that much better. I was scared of the Bull for a while and refused to even go near it because I knew I'd be lured on, so you could imagine what that first lift hill trip was like...
A good que can make a coaster experience a lot better. IOA did a great job at this.
SFNE 2001
Absolutely, the que on dueling dragons through the castle really gets your adreniline pumping, especially the first time you ride it!
I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
i was about to go on the Raptor by myself and all of a sudden this guy comes and sits next to me. He said it was his first time on it and he asked me if it was not to bumpy or scary. of course i said no. he was sweating pretty badly and i told him to calm down it was goin be alright. Then the ride began and he started shaking pretty badly. Im like this guy better not die on me. to make a long story short, after the ride he was so happy and said that he was going back on it again. Then he shoke my hand and said thanks for riding with me. Of course i said your welcome. -james *** This post was edited by # 1 coaster fan on 2/20/2001. ***
Approaching a ride for the first time. Seeing it go through its paces and listening to the screaming/laughing as the trains fly around really gets me eager to ride. Themeing helps. But nothing fuels the adrenalin like the urge to conquer that mountain!

While at IOA last year, I was fortunate to meet a family from Texas while queueing for Duelling Dragons. They were first timers and the Dad was trying to calm his twin daughters. Once we had got to talking (Funny Kiwi accent sticks out a mile away!), I was able to tell them all I knew about DD (the story of DD, the 'tongue' thing, how the computers weigh the trains, how the track is pebble-filled to suppress noise, the near misses etc) and by the time it was time to ride. I'd had a small audience listening.
We rode Fire. The Family rode together 4 across and I was in the row behind. When we got off, the girls were scared but laughing it off ... which is more than I could say for their Father!!!
Poor guy needed a seat and looked like he was going to be sick ...

Morale: Father doesn't always knows best and sometimes its good to let Children play with Fire (and Ice!)

*** This post was edited by The Legend on 2/20/2001. ***
john peck's avatar
We had the best time on Cedar Creek Mine Ride last year. We were acting crazy and scared and enthusiastic the whole trip. Every one was laughing and cheering. Got that whole train to applaud when the ride OP said "Welcome back how was your ride?"

Everyone had a blast.
What's most special about my coaster experience is waiting in cue. One time a group of my stupid high school friends acted out the whole Bohemian Rhapsody while in line for the Beast. Then we proceded to serenade some poor soul who had a birthday. We got a standing ovation, of course they were standing in line.

May the fleas of a 1000 camels infest your armpits for all eternity!!

Steel aint better, WOOD FOREVER!!!
I went to SFGAm with my friend and my sister and one her friends. My sister's friend had never been on a coaster before and the first ride we went on was Raging Bull row 9,hows that for a first coaster ride ever.
She was literally crying while going up the lift but by the end of the ride was laughing and having fun.

Get wrapped in the coils of Viper at SFGAm.
Yea mine has got to be the que, as well as riding with a new-comer. I was on Medusa once next to some girl who was so scared she was screaming hysterically on the departure turn (anybody who has ridden sfgadv medusa knows it picks up a little speed towards the lift). Then On the heartline she screamed so loud it made the rest of the ride unenjoyable, though It was nice to see that she enjoyed it afterwards.
I love the feeling when I ride a coaster for the first time. Kind of nervous excitement, knowing that I will experience something all new. My heart starts pounding like crazy when I go on something for the first time! But thats part of the fun!!!!

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