Something other than X

I'm sorry, but I have no interest in X, I mean yah I wanna ride it since it's a new coaster but I mean, it's just a 4D.  So anyhow..lets talk about SFGAm...for any employees, when is the "processing party?"
Jan 18th 3-6 for processing.  6-9 for the party.
"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"
"it's just a 4D"...Sounds like jealousy to me.

Until you get a parking space with your own name on it, you're still part of the GP.

It's to be expected, people will get tired of hiring about it and feel compelled to make some sort of negative comment. That is, until a park near them decides to build one, then it will become the "best coaster ever" and we'll never hear the end of it.

Look, it's a newly opened coaster, people are excited. Eventually(like everything else) the hoopla will die down, and everyone will be yelling about Wicked Twister.

Always remember,

HAHA, just a 4D, you don't understand man! I feel sorry for you! It's being talked about because people finally realize it's the coolest. Also, after riding it they are blown away like I was. I didn't see a whole lot of people here telling people to stop talking about MF! It's the most anticipated coaster for 01'. It lives up to the hype. Don't be angry at others because you don't live near MM and are jealous!
I do agree that there a too many X topics!  There's nothing to say in ten, that you can't say in one or two. I'm sure Jeff or someone will close the one's that aren't going anywhere. Like this one perhaps?
Always remember,

*** This post was edited by DWeaver on 12/26/2001. ***

Ok, I got that outta my system.
Actually I think that's it's becuase other things are happening in coaster/park news that are being eclipsed by the overwhelming power that is X, but jealousy may have something to do with it.

Bow Down to...The Sleeping Smiley!!

does anyone know what happened to
They shut down earlier this year.
Yes, it may be jealousy, but I honestly feel sorry for the guy. I mean, what else would you do when there are 100 trip report posts about this SMOOTH monster that delivers an experience unlike any other? Of course you would be forced to make a bashing comment. But after we all, we all know it's jealousy.
O.K. Enough of this.
""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""

Closed topic.

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