Something funny I noticed at CP

When I was shopping for a MF shirt (I got a really nice one, by the way) I noticed that up at the counters, they sell Dramamine! I have never seen this sold AT a park before! I've seen people bringing it into the park, but not sold at the park! Quite funny to see! Also, why do people need Dramamine? That just shows that you have a weak stomach and shouldn't be riding coasters anyway! Give me a cheesesteak, fries, a Diet coke, and put me on the most nauseating ride you can think of, it won't bother me a bit! How I love having a stomach of steel!

KoЯn Rules! I just came out to feed!
I can ride coasters all day but get me on a twirl and hurl and I feel awful. Thats what the dramamene is for. Has nothing to do with a week stomach just an affliction to having yor eyesand inner ear not know what the heck your body is doing. Unfortunately some of us, like me have an extremely high sensitiveity to this, I have thh same problem on simulators or heck even video games like doom or OO7
I think it's a good thing that CP sells it at the park, since there may be a lot of people that don't normally need it that do for whatever reason that day, or those individuals that have never been on certain types of rides before that want to use it as a precaution so they don't have even that hour of nausea to contend with. Personally, I've never had need of it and nothing bothers me, but I commend Cedar Point for thinking of their guests' health and comfort so that they may enjoy all the attractions.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
I really can't do Spin and Pukes and I even get a little lightheaded on the Monster/Octopus type rides and feel the need to stare at a certain point in or outside of the vehicle to survive it. Even Scramblers get me a little sometimes. Now, exactly how would I(or just a normal person that has the similar problem) feel once they got on a ride like that? Would I not get dizzy at all and feel like the rest of you or does it just help a little? Please help because this could do me a world of good. Thanks!

Danny, XPP Staff

PKI 2002- "The Rollercoast is Toast!"
i guess its another way for the park to make money, me myself if i had that problem would most likely buy it at a pharmacy rather than a amusement park, ill bet the medicince was WAY overpriced anyway, like 3x the price.

t h e r e s a monkey in my pocket and he stealing all my change, his stare is blank and glassy i suspect that hes diranged.....
For the record... I LOVE coasters, and the lovely Dramamine just makes them better... I can't even tie my shoes in the car without feeling like I'm going to throw up :)
Example: last month (June) a bunch of us went to CP and my goal was to just ride the coasters I haven't been on yet (which was nearly all of them). By the end of the night I was feelin not so good... because I left my Dramamine at home...

But I discovered that after getting off a coaster and getting that "not so good" feeling in my stomach I could eat a LOT more than I had before, therefor making me feel better. Go figure.

AIM: Pritti Kittie
And of course... the more CP food you can take in.. the better...

mmmmm.. chilli cheese fries... that's it.. gonna go today...

MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 103 laps (as of 7/19/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
I never used to get sick in the car but never on rides. However, during a visit in May something happened. I don't know if I was coming down with something or what but just about every ride was making me sick. I would have killed for some Dramamine. I couldn't find it anyplace. I checked several shops and could only find aspirin.

I was able to ride everything as long as I took short rests between rides. It was not the most enjoyable day I had but still way better then being at work.

I'm sure the price is 3X or more what you'd pay in the store and somebody who knows ahead of time what the rides may do to them probably will think to bring it.

I would have gladly paid the price for my unseen emergency!

everything's better with a banjo
BeastieBrent is right. It has nothing to do with your stomach, it's an inner ear imbalance. I personally can ride any coaster without a problem, but when it comes to spin-n-spews, get the Dramamine FAST. All that fast spin makes me sick as a dog, but thanks to Dramamine, I can ride anything I want to now. Take a look at this thread

Christ how do you kids do it
Spin-N-Spews have that nickname for a reason. Simulators, on the other hand, make you nauseous
when the timing of the screen doesn't match the timing of the motion seats. Some are more senstitive to this than others. I've NEVER gotten sick on a coaster, but often felt like it after a "bad" simulator ride. That's where they ought to sell the Dramamine, not next to MF - that ride couldn't make a Roman barf.
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you *** This post was edited by gatorwoodie on 7/23/2001. ***
janfrederick's avatar
I agree with the assessment of 'barf'ulators. Even good ones make me nauseous.

I think it's cool that they sell it there.'s a way to make more money. But if you happen to forget it, would you really want to leave the park to go to a drug store?

Yeeee Haaawwww!
If any park should sell that stuff it is Epcot. And note even for one of their rides but rather an "attraction". My sister and I saw the "O Canada" film in CircleVision. Basically, every scene was shot with like 18 different cameras all pointing in different radial directions. and it is shown on a wraparound screen. It's kinda cool cause you can look in any direction you want. But it made both of us really sick-feeling. We pretty much went home after that becasue we felt so bad.

"Nobody writes about the planes that land." Steve Salerno Washington Times 7-10-01
Hah 2Hostyl! Actually, it wasn't in the O Canada! film, but I think there was a Circlevision film in the Japan pavillion where I've axtually seen a couple people fall down during the film. Yeah, that's a "bad" simulator. ;)

Danny, who is glad he can talk to himself in the third person again

PKI 2002- "The Rollercoast is Toast!"
KK: It's actually in China. Me and my sis were going to see that show until we saw the dreaded "CircleVision" sign, we turned right back around!

"Nobody writes about the planes that land." Steve Salerno Washington Times 7-10-01
right after the exit of the beast they have asprin:) I needed it!

HurricaneGeauga- Just in case
God Bless Dramamine, because if I didn't take it, a lot of people would have been thrown up on at Chaos at CP...
That's right 2Hostyl. I guess riding Journey Into Your Imagination can really do something to your head. Not only the blinding flash at the end, but how horrible the thing is. If anyone goes to Epcot, please, steer clear of this thing by all means. But make sure you do watch "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience" next door.

Danny [pardon our dust while we work to improve our guest experience]

PKI 2002- "The Rollercoast is Toast!" *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 7/23/2001. ***

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