Somebody's lying...

Six people included SFGAdv's Nitro in their track records.
I don't think they know what a track record is for. When I first signed up, all I had on my track record was the new invertigo at SFGAm. I didn't know what the track record was for.
Jack, who can't wait for opening day 2001...
Your track record should include coasters that you have personally riden. However, some people like to include coasters that they plan to ride. Also, some members, for example, will include all the Boomerangs in the database if they have ridden just one of them.

X-Flight @SFWoA!
This flight won't be cancelled!
Yes, there will be some inconsistancies with members track records. Some other "new for 2001" coasters with the number of people who included it in their track records:

Phantom's Revenge: 5
Talon: 6
x: 19
Deja Vu: 14
X-Flight: 18
Titan: 5
Hypersonic XLC: 15

Pittsburgh, PA
So I can add Wildfire as I will ride it in 42 days?
Some have already added Wildfire -- last I knew two people had ridden it before construction started. That's gotta be hard to do. Come to think of it, I may be one of those who has listed it...lemme check...
Ok I'm guilty! I have coasters that I will be riding this summer in my list. Mainly this is to see how many I will have to hit this summer so I can pass the 100 mark. I'm getting close as it is, but I want to be sure...also Jeff doesn't have all the coasters that I have been on in the data base...I count carny coasters as well. :)
and there are a few malls around MO that have coasters that are not in the files.

Scorching the Competition in 2001
There are a ton of people on CoasterBuzz who seem to have ridden nearly every coaster in the database, and I find it hard to believe most of them.

I've always thought that the track record was a service for us to get to know one another and, although you can't expect everyone to tell the truth all of the time, it's alot more fun to know that someone has actually ridden the ride they're raving about or ripping apart.

You can usually tell which ones are accurate, though. ;)

I can understand if you knor FOR SURE you're going to that park. If it's just a possibility, then I won't add it. For instance, I have plans already set up to go to SFGAdv in April and Lake Compounce in June. I'm positive I'm going. But I could possibly get to SFA, Dorney, and The Great Escape, too. But I am not going to add those until I am positive I'm going.

Dustijn Hollon said:
"...also Jeff doesn't have all the coasters that I have been on in the data base..."

You should then "contribute" these coasters to the database!

Remember folks, this is your site, your portal to the thrill!(TM) You create your own link page, and track record. If you don't see an obscure coaster that you have been on in the past (even if it's defunct!) then add it to the database!

Pittsburgh, PA
I know exactly what you're saying, Jacob. Distance is the greatest expense and there are people who cannot possibly cover all the distances. I just wonder, what really is so hard to get about the track record. It's not a long or hard procedure, I can't see why you would add a coaster before riding it. I look forward to adding all my new coasters after our honeymoon. Planning on going is not the same. After returning home from a park don't most of you want to see the Coasterbuzz talk anyways? Lots of times I'm sure there would be something you saw or did that you could share as you update your profile.

StandUpFan said:
"Some have already added Wildfire -- last I knew two people had ridden it before construction started. That's gotta be hard to do. Come to think of it, I may be one of those who has listed it...lemme check..."

As of now (Feb 23, 12:57 cst) it is up to six people. I know the park was running Wildfire a week or two back with human cargo as it was reported on a radio station, before winter hit again:(, so maybe some of those having Wildfire in their track records are legit.
I'm thinking track records should be taken with a grain of salt.

SROS221 said:
"I can understand if you knor FOR SURE you're going to that park.

Even then, though, you don't know you'll get to ride it. The coaster may be down the day you're there. The lines may be 5 hours long and you give up.

If I were going to start adding coasters I "know" I'm going to ride this year, I'd have Hypersonic, Phantom's Revenge, X-Flight, Batwing, and Talon (among others) in my track record, but I prefer to wait until AFTER I've ridden them, just to be sure :)

The "track record" feature isn't a definitive guide set in stone, but it IS amusing to see people list rides they can't POSSIBLY have gotten on yet.

Ok why are you people getting your panties in such a bind over something as STUPID as this? There are lot of other things that you could loose sleep over. I just don't see what's the big deal. Are they hurting anyone? NO! So let's just drop's pointless anyways and you won't get anything accomplished by kicking the dead horse just one more time to make sure it's dead. Since I have been a member this subject has came up AT LEAST 3 times...and I'm sure this will be like our good buddy Ghost on URC. It'll be back, it always comes back. *sigh*

*steps off his soap box*

Everything that SFMM wanted but couldn't have
Jeff's avatar
There was actually an editorial on WoC many years ago on this subject (when it was still an active site) that I could identify with. In essence, it was Dustijn's assessment... does it really matter that much?

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