So Cal 3-19 to 3-28

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Ok what a long and exhausting week. Friday the 19th up by 4 AM, the wife worked Thursday night and got home at 3AM never sleeping. Off to the airport, land at LAX by 10:30am at the hotel by 11:30am. At California's Adventure by 12:15 with the wife only getting a nap on the plane. Once in we get a fast pass for Soarin' Over California and go stand in line for Grizzly River Run. What a great water raft ride, one of my favorites cause of the speed and the long drop at the end. Loved it! Back to SOC not knowing what to expect. I was shocked when the chairs lifted up, the best motion ride i've riden but the movie could be better. Next up was Golden Zephyr, Jumpin' jellyfish, and Orange Stinger. Mulholland Madness was a typical mouse but lots of fun with the kids. California Screaming was next and by watching it I was not really excited about it. I thought it looked kinda boring but was i wrong. After waiting in line for about 25 minutes we were finally on. 5-4-3-2-1- and your gone, what a suprise pop of air over that first hill. The constant speed was also surprising. I loved the air you got and the turns to the left and right on some hills. The loop suprised my kids as they didn't have a chance to watch the coaster and didn't know it was there, and the three bunny hills were also great. As soon as we got off we got a fast pass for later. All i can say is what a fun ride. Back to the hotel by 7:30.

Saturday 3-20 Disneyland

8AM gates open and we get pictures and autographs with Alice in wonderland charactors. Got a ride on the firetruck down Main street, my son was the bell ringer. Off to the castle for more autographs and pic. 8:30ish off to Big Thunder Mountain RR, only waited 5min to get on. All I could think about was where the accident happened but still a fun ride. Line was about 20 when we got off so we got FP for later. Pirates of the Caribbean was a walk on. Back to BTMRR and off to Splash Mountain where the line was about 50min so got a FP. Did the Pooh ride and waited about 75min for the Haunted Mansion, ate lunch and back to SM. The rest of the day did all of the little stuff and shows but didn't get out of the left side of the park.I'm glad we hit all the big rides early cause SM and BTMRR were about 90min wait later. 7:30 came and people were siting down for Fantasmic so my wife voluntered to sit and save us spots. With some free I time took my son over to Matterhorn Bobsleds and only waited about 20min. We rode the right side and the lift hill was cool in the dark with the blue eyes looking at you. Ride was a little rough but wasn't to fast to really make it unbearable. We loved all the quick turns and sudden drops. Back to Fantasmic and finished the small stuff. We left the park at 11:50PM

Sunday 3-21 SFMM

10AM gates open, with a mad dash we run to X. I rode with my daughter after arguing with ride ops about her height. They never bent down to eye level to check her height. With applause from other guest after they said she could ride we strapped in. I thought my daughter would freak going down that first hill (shes only 6 and the timid one), but she didn't and calls X her favorite. Should have got a fastlane for Goliath as only one train was on and we waited 2 and a half hours. Hit a milestone on Collosus, it was my son's 70th different coaster at 7.5 yrs old. we rode red side and is this woodie SLOW. We like to party played like every 15min and got old really quick. My wife actually went on Freefall and this shocked me cause she hates those type of rides. I laughed my ass off at her screaming. Hit all other coasters and left at 10pm.

Monday 3-22 California Adventure

Did a Bugs land first as we didn't go in there on friday. Got three rides on CS and two rides on MM. Did all the showes and let the kids play in Redwood creek challenge trail. To cold for me to go back on Grizzly River. The wife left early to do some laundry and me and my son had two FP for MM. We rode it 4 times and CS once in 75min.

Tuesday 3-23 Knotts Berry Farm

Got there at 9am and bought season passes. 10am gates open got family picture with Snoopy. Off to Ghostrider and got second train(silver) first two rows. My wife doesn't like how rough woodies can be but didn't think this one was bad till we rode near the back later. Boomerang was closed about 6 or 7 guys were working on it. Jaguar and Monte were walkons. Excellerator waited about 10min and after TTD this one loses a little excitement but still fun. Came back to boomerang about 2pm and the finally opened it . The line got to be about 30min after we rode so one time was enough. Rode the flats and Jaguar and Monte one more time and left by 5:40. We went to dinner at Medieval Times down the street. We got front row middle. Our Knight did not win.

Note Silver Bullet rebar and forms are on site and footers are marked out. Also Excelerator was only running the red train. The other one was in pieces.

Wednesday 3-24 Disneyland

Did the rest of the park today. Rode Matterhorn Bobsleds left side today. This side seemed a little shorter ride. Also rode Gadgets Go Coaster. This one also was shoter than similar coasters of this type or just seemed that way. Wife and daughter alse left early today and me and my son stayed till 10pm. Rode MB once each side and BTMRR again in the dark twice and a couple small rides .

Thursday 3-25 Legoland.

Gates open and off we go right to Lego Technic Coaster, got second car of the day. Then right to Dragon Coaster two rides on each. Did all their flats except the Sky Cruiser, line was about one hour. What a nice relaxing day. This park was perfect for my kids ages 6 and 7. Coastersaurs is built and finishing touches are being done on the station and theming. This looks to be a really short ride. Train looked to be like mining cars.

Friday 3-26 Disneyland And California Adventure

Hit all the roller coasters one more time and some stuff we didn't get to do. Got lots of pictures today with charactors and autographs. Today was about what we wanted to do again. Last thing was parade in CA and then we left.

Saturday 3-27 Knotts Berry Farm

Ghostrider first again thank gosh since the line was out the building all day. Boomerang, Excelerator, Jaguar, Monte, and I actually got to add Timberline Twister to my track record. I was not comfortable but I got to ride. I should have rode in front with my son but I rode with my daughter in the second seat cause my son wouldn't give up the front seat. I see why it is a 69" height requirement, I'm about 71" and squished in their. Today was packed with school outings. Tried taking my son on Perilous Plunge but he was to skinny for the seatbelts so I decided not to get soaked and be cold. We did go on Bigfoot for the first time in three trip there.We left early(about 6pm) so we could pack and swim in the pool. I called Adventure City hoping to get a quick stop and add their two coaster to are track record but they closed at 7pm. Maybe next time.

I hope this wasn't to long but it was a long week.Next stop SFStl or SFKK April 9th and 10th.

Thanks for reading,

Iggy *** Edited 3/29/2004 9:08:23 PM UTC by Iggy ACE***

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Mamoosh's avatar
Wow..that's a lot of driving back-and-forth.

Glad you had a good time. FYI, I was at Disneyland just after opening on 3/20 and I think I saw your family on the firetruck, with your son riging the bell ;)


You should have said hi! ;)

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Mamoosh's avatar
Well I didn't know it was you at the time! To me it was just some family on a fire engine.

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