Slow news this week (9/26)

Vater's avatar

I remember going to South of the Border when I was a kid, and it was pretty fun and somewhat crowded. It was utterly deserted when we took our son there two years ago, and the gift shops sold nothing but the cheapest junk in existence. I don't necessarily think it was much (or any) different in the 70s as it is now, but my perspective was.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Pat yourselves on the back Vater and Gator! You guys are funding those annoying billboards for years to come :)

I-70 has its own tourist trap (I wouldn't know, haven't stopped there) called Ozarkland. It's in TheMiddleOfNoWhere, MO. You are annoyed to death by their billboards as well for about a hundred miles each way. About as annoying as the Tom Raper RV billboards at the Ohio/Indiana border. I'm pretty sure if I passed the exit for something that I've seen a million billboards for, I'm not going to follow the next billboard after the exit telling me how to turn around and get there. TAER EM DOWN!!


Lord Gonchar's avatar

HeyIsntThatRob? said:
Pat yourselves on the back Vater and Gator! You guys are funding those annoying billboards for years to come :)

I can one-up you all.

We actually stayed there once in 2002 just on a whim.

It was pretty bad, but still not anywhere the worst hotel room I've ever had. I imagine if you're the $39.99 a night type, you'd be ok with it. Wonder how it is 10 years later?

Jerry's avatar

Ok - this caught my eye in the Ozarkland general store - its the same Cedar crap that they've been selling at Cedar point in Frontier town for 30 years - (which never sells btw)

My kitty deserves more than this!

Vater's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

I can one-up you all.

Consider me perfectly content to be one-upped in this case. :)

By the way, to clarify, I think we spent an hour or so there, both when I was a kid and a couple years ago. There really isn't anything to do there. What I've always found hilarious is the observation tower, where one can get breathtaking views of...Interstate 95.

Last edited by Vater,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

We stop there every time we pass it.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Wow! Check it out! I'm in one of Gonch's pics!


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