Sixflags Winter Lights 12/31/02

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I had to see this event before it was over, and had to support my home park. I arrvied at the event about 8pm to find bumber to bumber traffic to the ticket booths. The prices said $11.60 after tax, but some how we ended up paying like $16 plus tax, and when we asked the sales person why, he said for each of you in the car?, I have clue as to how the pricing worked, but I will find out. After that we rounded into the water parks, parking lot, and saw some nice lights (if you tune ur radio they have a station also playing decent holiday music), it was really neat looking. They had some nice light displays that featured Peace, and joy, and religous observance.The end was preety neat, as they had lights deticated to the park such as Frosty The Snowman riding the log flume, and the merry go round etc. I dident stop at the holday center, becuase it started raining, and I had no desire to walk around in the rain.

It was a really nice thing for Great Adventure to do, and I see alot of potential for it in years to come, but I think they where affraid to put too much into it if it did not work out, but dont be discouraged they had alot of lights up, and the 3D glasses that where available 2 for 5$ made the lights ,and trip home alot more intresting as it maked lights look like snowflakes, and stars. As for Superman Ultimate Flight, construction seems to be moving ahead very quick , and they are working on the lift hill right now which is about a good 30ft off the ground at this point.

Six flags is always cheap!!!!! At wdw for the Osborne Lights they give away 3d glasses for free!!! Anything to scam a couple of bucks i guess!!

Well Bob O. Explain why Cedar Point was charging $1 for 3-D glasses for Distaster Transport.

Its an option that you dont have to partake in.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

I was there today also, and the price difference is written in the fine print as the Holiday price. I guess New Year's Eve Eve is now a holiday. At least it's a holiday for SF if it means you can charge more. Not worth it, and won't go next year. If you drive around some of the wealthier areas, you can see all the Winter Lights you want for free, with no traffic jams or $3 3D glasses. If you get the impression that I feel Great Adventure is money hungry, then I've made my point.

Jim Hansen
Number of coasters ridden: 227

I guess people can never be satisfied. Money is always a issue, instead of worrying about money enjoy yourself. I bet if it was free I think you would be saying its the best you saw. Everyone else had a positive remarks on it. I guess some people have problems with money, and rather look at house lights instead, oh well.
There's just no pleasing some people...

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