Sixflags Survey from German students

HiWe are a group of students near cologne in Germany and want to start a survey about six flags international.We would be very happy if you could answer our questions seriously.You don’t have to answer all the questions, but it would be highly recommended.Most of the answers are given and you only have to choose the answer you prefer.In order to save your private information we will not ask you for your name and address. The information we’ll ask, will just be shown in our schools presentation and afterwards being deleted. Thank you very much!!! Mail back to Stephan.buechler@fh-bad-honnef.deIf the Admin reads this: I would be very happy if i could send you this survey in a Ms word file for better publishing it. Thanx Gender:Age: Country/state:Monthly income: Which SixflagsParks have you visited (Name/frequency/State/Country) : Remembering your Park visit; how have you been satisfied by :(Please do an “X” behind your chosen answer) Food Quality: Very good Good Average bad worst Service: Very good Good Average bad worst Waitingtime (average of all rides): Very good Good Average bad worst Animation: Very good Good Average bad worst Opening hours: Very good Good Average bad worst Price (entrance fee): Very good Good Average bad worst Price (souvenirs and food): Very good Good Average bad worst Overall satisfaction: Very good Good Average bad worst How did you traveled to SixFlags?: Car Train Plane Bus OthersHave you been overnight, when yes, how many days? :Satisfaction with overnight stay: Very good Good Average bad worst What was your motivation for visiting Sixflags? : What would you change in Sixflags? : Were there some special problems during your visit? :
If you could format your post a little better (such as line breaks) I'm sure you'll get a better response. As it is now it's hard to read.

I fixed it for you, just copy and paste and send to the above address




Monthly income:

Which SixflagsParks have you visited (Name/frequency/State/Country):

Remembering your Park visit; how have you been satisfied by Please do an “X” behind your chosen answer)

Food Quality: Very good Good Average bad worst Service: Very good Good Average bad worst

Waitingtime (average of all rides): Very good Good Average bad worst Animation: Very good Good Average bad worst

Opening hours: Very good Good Average bad worst

Price (entrance fee): Very good Good Average bad worst

Price (souvenirs and food): Very good Good Average bad worst

Overall satisfaction: Very good Good Average bad worst

How did you travel to SixFlags?: Car Train Plane Bus Others

Have you stayed overnight, when yes, how many days? :

Satisfaction with overnight stay: Very good Good Average bad worst

What was your motivation for visiting Sixflags? :

What would you change in Sixflags? : Were there some special problems during your visit? :

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