Six Flags Worlds of Adventure shut down due to power outage

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A power outage at Six Flags Worlds of Adventure caused the park to close Monday. Guests will have the option to return on another day.

Read more from WKYC/Cleveland.

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An on even more strange note of, "This is the same SFWoA as last year?" After talking to a few people at the park when this happened. SFWoA even refunded parking passes! Now this I haven't heard of :)

"The Future of Roller Coasters"

I have got to give them credit, they handled it like champs (I was there, just one train from being on the front row of X-Flight when it happened.) Unfortunately, though, I do not live anywhere near SFWoA so the free ticket to come back another day meant nothing to me.

But as far as getting the parking fee back, I was pleasantly surprised when they did give the money back at the parking entrance (if you asked)...

At the park, they said that a construction crew down the street was digging a trench (or something) and that they had hit the power line(s) that feed the park.

Posting, "Me too" like some brain dead AOLer. I ought to to the world a favor, and cap you like old yeller...

This doesn't surprise me actually. On my one attempt to visit SFWoA last October we arrived about 2 hours before the park was scheduled to close only to find that they had just closed the park (slow business day being the supposed reason, though I'm sure weather played a part). They were handing out passes to everyone that was walking out the gates. So this was definately not unprecedented at the park.

Would be nice if other parks figured out the good PR that a move like this makes.

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

Is it just me or is the tide slowly turning at that park? Good for them, they're obviously beginning to pull things together.

Looking VERY foward to visiting again next year and riding the new hyper!

Last year if they closed early at any time, unless it was around an hour before normal closing time they would hand out passes to return another day at the gate.

"Tea & Cake Or Death?-Eddie Izzard"~My No Limits Designs...


You know, that was a FunTime innovation years ago: the FunTime Guarantee. If weather caused all the major coasters to close for more than some specified period of time, everybody who stuck it out got a discount coupon. The conditions persist, everybody gets a pass to come back again. This was back when all other parks had the NO REFUNDS - NO RAINCHECKS policy. That, along with free admission for underheight kids, and season pass interoperability across all three FunTime parks.

Nice to see Six Flags going back to some of the Geauga Lake innovations. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Its amazing how many people lined up to bash Geauga Lake for the blacktop midways, the 'sub standard coasters', too many games and retail joints, poor theming. I sure miss that place. Best damn wave pool ever.
Have you got to try out SFWoA's new wave pool? I admit I miss the old one, but that new one...AWESOME. With all the strick standards today many parks don't operate their wave pool's the way they can be operated. SFWoA actually has big enough waves to come way over my 6'2" head! It's neat how the new wave pools work. They can litterally shut the waves down on a "dime." It is a fun wave pool and one of the best around. Though it's not the "WAVE!" :)

"The Future of Roller Coasters"

Jeff's avatar

No modern wave pool compares to The Wave. It's just not the same.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Eh. Like most modern wave pools, the new Geauga Lake wave pool is too darned shallow. You want a good wave pool, try the one at Wyandot Lake. Even when they are short-staffed you can get far enough out there that the water is over your head, and when the blowers are working right, which is most of the time, the wave action is amazing.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Gee, thanks a lot.....NOW you tell me where to go for hardcore wavepool action.

Not that I didn't enjoy SFWOA as is...the Aqua Mosh Pit was still quite a bit of fun.


Coming 6/6/02--the CoastaPlaya 100!
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Yah, I had just got in line for X-Flight when the power went out.

Why do they report power outages on TV?

We were ready to get on Big Dipper for my cousin's first roller coaster ride ever when it happened. Since we live so far away, they gave us a full refund.

The thing that really made my day was that my mom and my aunt decided to go to CP for Monday and Tuesday!! Unlike the psycho in the comercial, I'll take CP over WoA any day!

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