Six Flags to educate congressman Markey on theme park safety

Posted | Contributed by coaster895

Six Flags boss said in a press release yesterday that he wanted to challenge the findings of the Brain Injury Association, which said that various rides were bad for you. He seeks the help of American Association of Neurological Surgeons to conduct a more accurate study.

Read the Six Flags press release from PR Newswire.

YES! Go get'em Six Flags.
Kick The Sky's avatar
Finally a positive story about Six Flags! Go Six Flags!!!

Bob Hansen

New Top 5:
5-MF; 4-X-Flight; 3-Hulk; 2-Kraken; 1-Raging Bull

Yeah, go six flags, perhaps I'll even visit a six flags park this summer for this!

All at once the ghosts come back reeling you in now.

stoogemanmoe's avatar

Hahahaha!! They will make that Markey eat his words. Hats off to you Six Flags!!!

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!]

This should be interesting.
Go Six Flags! Boo everyone else! ;)

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest

rollergator's avatar

not to get anyone's panties in a wad (so to speak), but I find it kind of silly to call any study "scientific" when it's being funded by an "interested party"....pure science REQUIRES that you're not trying to prove a point!

Had a history prof once who claimed there were three kinds of results from this kind of "science"....Lies, Damned Lies, and Gov't Statistics...bless you, Dr. Woodruff...

You can use statistics to prove anything. 23% of all people know that. - Homer Simpson

- Peabody

Jeff's avatar

This isn't going to really prove anything we don't already know, assuming the organization picks up the study. The case to make is the relative danger compared to other things. Doctors have already said, sure, these rides could cause brain injuries, but aren't any more likely to do so than sneezing or bumping uglies.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I agree that this really won't prove anything. Still, it's good to see the industry sticking up for itself.

"The collective women in your life have more baggage than a Samsonite factory..."
My page

Why am I not suprised to find the "usual remarks". If it was a different park chain no-one would be complaining...since they are perfect and all.

I say kudos to SF for standing up against them. Maybe this time the findings that are REAL will be noticed.


Somebody get George W on B:TR or Colin Powell on S:UF. Wouldn't that be wild?


Jeff, it doesn't matter what we know or not, it's whats falsely being said to the world by this guy.

Gravity knows no force, like Millennium Force. breathe. You have just broken ten world records.
Beyond coaster....Giga Coaster.


Jeff's avatar

True, but I'm not sure how much harm it has really done. Economic issues aside, I don't see park attendance dropping and no one in Congress is in any hurry to spend money on something like this.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I'd like to applaud Six Flags for this move, the park chain moved up a notch on my list today. Good job guys!

By the way the Republicans and most moderate Democrats could really care less about regulating the industry.

Excalibur Crew for 2002!

B&M Tycoon, who here was complaining about it? And Jeff....Bumping Uglies?

And Jeff....Bumping Uglies?

I was just wondering about that myself...

"Bumping Uglies" - It's old (80's ) slang for (as was mentioned in another thread) "somethin'-somethin'" And that's all I'm gonna say on that topic. *** This post was edited by redman822 on 3/8/2002. ***

I think he is referring to that physical exertion(such as intense coasters, sneezing, running, or, well, sexual activites) can all cause a brain aneurysm to burst. These things don't normally cause one to form(usually you're born with them or get them from high blood pressure or arterioscorosis), but anytime when there's unusual excessive forces, it you had one, it could burst. Usually the person dies instantly when this happens, but the most common occurances are in women and then those over 60.

These can actually develop over long periods of time and I think there's only a 2% chance for a burst each year and the 2 added for each year after you form one. These do show up on MRIs and CAT scans. Now after my aneurysm rambling... I must say that you can prevent them, you can test for them, and you really can't stop a burst if the person doesn't know about it, so it's not an 'everyman' disease and fairly uncommon. There were three reported cases of this type of death on theme park rides this year: Montezooma's Revenge, Goliath, and the tea cup ride at SFMW. Must be a California thing, as I've never heard a report ever of a death by this pre 2001.

The only other major brain disorder that can occur while on a coaster is where you actually can tear a blood vessel in the brain and then blood leaks to your brain, like an aneurysm, but much slower I believe. You really do need quick medical help here anyways, but I don't know the exact symptoms. This usually occur on jerky rides or coasters(with either high laterals or negative Gs) the same way they can occur in a car accident(like whiplash) or any other unnatural quick jerking motions or forces of or on the neck or the head. I would say they're fairly uncommon and the most cases I've heard of this on a ride is Indiana Jones at Disneyland and then a couple on Fujiyama.

Hopefully, this isn't too graphic for the site, but just telling you what I know about this. I think this does show, that as far as reported cases go, this is really an uncommon cause for brain injury to occur on a thrill ride. Much more are caused by rider misconduct alone, so many we need to teach people to actually know how to ride the rides first and foremost. The aneurysm is an unpredictable occurance and really upstoppable for the person, if they couldn't find out what it was. I do think it is fair to test the rides to actually make sure they're safe for the "common" person and then warn of those things, but still let riders ride at their own risk.

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