Six Flags strategy. Deja Vu to open 3 fold?

With all of the delays for the 3 Deja-Vu coasters, do you think that SF will debut these monster Invertigos at the same time? I think this is a possibility and would give this design a good marketing tool to say, "DEJA-VU , A TRIPLE RUN FOR FUN IN THE U.S.A." O.K. That sounds corny but with all of the delays , I think this would be good for the GP.
Chitown, who is sick of looking at this neon green monstrosity and not being able to ride it.
Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
Maybe...they could have TV ads for it saying "You'll be experiencing deja vu in Chicago, Georgia, and California (of course being repeated once). Well, I think it would be cool ;)

I'm going to be at CP July 10th & 11th. I'll be at SFWOA the 12th of July. See you there!
I don't give a rats a.. what they do as long as they open the ride. I agree with Chitown - I am also sick of seeing the beautiful ride sit unridable.

The attorney general from Il is getting involved in the deja vu matter, saying the comercials are misleading saying it sounds like both rides are open.
Army rangers lead the way
*** This post was edited by supermandl on 6/27/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
I don't think the general public would care that there are three of them, and indeed think that to a certain extent people would rather be oblivious and think their home park has the only one.

Webmaster/Admin -
Its not like a member of the GP can be on all three of the Deja Vus at the same time...


Let the bears pay the Bear Tax, I pay the Homer Tax.
Maybe "they" could open the Deja Vu at SFGAm once I'm near the ride at the park in July. Then, I would be the first rider on Deja Vu, "DING!!!"

Congratulations Ray Bourque!!

Colorado Avalanche: 2001 Stanley Cup Champions!
Not only that, but V2 doesn't go "0 to 70 in four seconds." It's goes 0 to... maybe 45 or 50, then to 60 ... then to 70. Now Mr. Freeze, that headbangin bad boy goes 0 to bout 70 in 3 or 4 seconds. I guess it's all about marketing. The GP doesn't know any better anyhow. Do the Whizzer and Demon still go 50 MPH?? :>

Ow! My lap bar IS down all the way.
yeah they do go 50 or 40mph coasterbill73!

V2 all the way *** This post was edited by GreatAmericaBoy on 6/28/2001. ***
ya know, I think I'll go to Cedar Point :-)

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